moon messages

Moon Messages for the Next Two Weeks

Thanks Reynaldo for this beautiful photo. At the time of this article being published, the moon is, like the photo, in the waxing gibbous phase.

Corona. What just came to mind? Of course the virus that has caused mass disruption on a global scale that is entirely unique to this moment. I say unique because the world at this point is more interconnected by media, transportation, and economies than ever before. Thus, when a modern virus appears, it can spread literally and spiritually, by nature and fear.

But the principal meaning of corona, different than the one that initially popped into your head, is the outermost region of the sun’s atmosphere that becomes visible during an eclipse. When I learned this, I struggled to ponder what the astrological symbol of corona could mean. I did a little digging and found out that the sun’s atmosphere made visible during an eclipse is comprised of plasma. The last solar eclipse occurred in December, right around the time Coronavirus was ramping up. Most would interpret this as an ominous sign, but many of the great astrologers and diviners teach us to find the silver lining when the heavens look difficult. After some more research, I found that scientists are looking into the plasma of recovered coronavirus victims to develop treatments. That would truly be something if a difficult eclipse also held the metaphorical clue to its abatement. 

On a personal level, I think the coronavirus calamity can be interpreted as a symbolic call to reconnect with home, family, and all things that nourish us. The north node of the moon, which indicates karmic future, is suggesting as much by continuing her transit through the emotive sign of Cancer.

Aries: March 21 - April 19 

By now, it comes as no surprise that your social life has hit the wall. This is reflected in the heavens as the saturnian influence of the planet Saturn has just combined with the aggressive force of Mars in your sector of friends. The best thing you can do is reasonably rely on technology to keep you in the loop while focusing on siblings and neighbors to sate your in person social needs. This will help with social distancing as well as it will focus on a smaller number of interactions that are more meaningful anyways.  

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Regardless of the disruption you’ve been experiencing, this is a good time to think about your finances as it relates to career. Interestingly, even though the world has been historically upended in the last few weeks, you have been feeling something on a similar level for almost two years. This relates to your work life, and the best way to handle surprises is to adapt to them. Lean on a group of girlfriends to help you sort through these issues—personal, professional, and financial. Though these matters will not resolve themselves instantaneously, the next few weeks will give you a window about how best to carve out your public, individual, and financial path forward. 

Gemini: May 21- June 20

You’re feeling the itch to travel, but clearly that is not going to happen right now. Your best bet is to put those urges to more local endeavours. When was the last time you played a video game, sat down to read a book, or even played chess or checkers with a partner? These activities will give you the fix you’re needing. And, you won’t miss the trip you so desperately thought you needed. 

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

The personal growth you’ve been experiencing over the past year and a half changes at the beginning of May. The shift will occur from the self to a oneness with all that is—in other words, your spiritual world. The interesting thing is that this doesn’t mean renouncing modern society and living in a monastery. What is the hidden, spiritual part of you that connects to the collective consciousness is your fun side! You need to make time to retreat and have a dream world that is childlike and fantastical.  

Leo: July 23 - August 22

You’re feeling the urge to balance your checkbook. The reason this is a challenge is because joint finances with a partner are not clear. I have a feeling this partner is being elusive and possibly deceptive around these matters. This has been happening acutely during the past Mercury Retrograde, the surrounding weeks, and even now. However, this is a long term cycle from 2011-2026. There is an upshot to this—what are your dreams as far as your shared resources with all your partnerships? When you get some clarification around that question, the confusion dissolves.  

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

You’re being your usual Virgoan self—critical, meticulous, and worrisome. To make matters more difficult, a partner is behaving just the opposite—dreamy, out of touch, and unfocused. The best thing you can do is juggle the practicality of what you need romantically while understanding that trying to control others rarely works. A little madness and magic will do you good anyways. 

Libra: September 23 - October 22

Your daily routines and working life have been marked by a lack of clarity since February. You feel like you’re out of focus not only individually but how you relate to society at large. This has generally been a phenomenon since 2011. The best thing you can do, especially since you are at homebound, is take a hard look at your immediate surroundings, change what needs to be changed, let go of what is karmically dragging you down, and reallocate resources that need to be adjusted. This will put things into focus for you.   

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21 

Through the end of June, you’re getting a glimpse into the future of what your home life will be. Your intensely driven to make realize this vision, but future insights are not the present. By the end of 2020, you’re able to start actualizing these goals, but it will still be an effort through 2023 to make all this happen. The key is to stay somewhat emotionally distant from the process while acknowledging your emotions with regard to the situation. Focus on the fundamentals down to the water and electricity—flow, literally and metaphorically, and realize that though the future isn’t the present, how you feel in the present leads you to the future you desire. 

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Watch out for fights on social media with siblings and possibly neighbors. It’s tough to be isolated, and technology is no substitute for in person, human interaction. However, business driven media’s main objective is to fan the emotional flames of the passions between human beings, so be wary of engaging with others on this level. However, the upshot to this is a chance to reflect on what truly motivates you and those around you. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

The losses you’ve been experiencing personally in the past year and a half come to a close in May. Through material losses come spiritual gains. You carry these experiences into the next year and the half, and you have a real chance to experience a spiritual awakening. You become liberated from the things in your life that are the source of your undoing, namely your ambitious nature. 

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18 

Through the month of June, you have the choice of going down one of two paths. The first path is adopting a conservative, slow approach that has you walking into the future by obeying the laws of time and karma. Or, you can yield to an unrestrained passion of trying to improperly launch yourself into the future with less than stellar results. This glimpse into your future self that ends in late June takes material form in late 2020 and will remain through early 2023. Which path you should choose seems obvious to me. 

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Your physical state that might seem in flux right now gains more sure footing by the second full week of April. At that point it would be a good idea to think about how you want to achieve harmony on the home front. You have a nice opportunity to have some fun, sweet, loving energy come into the house. Come the second full week of May, you’ll be glad you set your mind to your dwelling as opposed to other fantasies that take you away from what really matters.  

 During these tumultuous times, an astrology reading can provide guidance, psychic relief, and hope. Go to the contact section to book your appointment.

The Most Disruptive Week Since the 30's

Moon Messages Week of May 14, 2018

Most astrology focuses on the Sun—Your Will and Purpose

But what about the Moon?

The Moon is the Embodiment of Communication, Emotion, and Spirit

The Goddess

Opposite God

What is the Moon’s Message to You?

That is the Will and Purpose of This Column

Published Every Monday, which means Moon Day

This is a momentous week in the heavens, as the new, invisible, moon situates herself in her favorite sign of Taurus, providing optimal conditions to build and grow the great materials that spring from the earth. Also, Uranus, the great awakener and disruptor, moves into Taurus, a grounded state he might not immediately relish but that could be beneficial. Uranus is the sky God, birthed from Gaia, the earth, but through the family lineage of the Gods has come down to unleash the fire of creativity upon humankind through Promethean spirit. You may experience massive, earthly disruption when Uranus takes on the garb of Taurus, but if you can adjust, this is one of the most powerful times for your potential as an individual. In fact, this type of configuration has not occurred since the mid-thirties. Be forewarned, however, that the disruptive power of Uranus can be catastrophic. The power of Taurus and Cancer will be required, especially through Venus as she moves into that protective sign next week. The word tenor comes to mind, meaning “to hold”, and heroic, physical acts such as a great, operatic tenor holding onto a climatic high note is the spirit of the next week. 

Aries, Born 3/21-4/19: You’re set to experience some massive changes in your money, possessions, and what you value. The key is to own this and not impulsively react to external circumstances. 

Taurus, Born 4/20-5/20: You are set to experience massive changes this week to who you are, your will, and purpose. Do what you do best and take ownership of how you will build upon this, and put your mind toward harnessing this disruptive energy.

Gemini, Born 5/21-6/20: Your normative state of being is to be curious, communicative, and aware, but the heavens will throw you some massive curves this week, manifesting through your emotions and dreams. You do best to sit back and process these quakes and then move forward in your extroverted, communicative manner.

Cancer, Born 6/21-7/22: You may experience disruption with your friends and social networks. The best way to approach this is to reboot and slowly supplant the social networks that feed your soul. 

Leo, Born 7/23-8/22: Taking ownership of your career, especially on a monthly time schedule, is the way for you to go. Though this may be a different pace for you, Leo, preferring to shine in the moment, this disruptive approach will pay dividends down the road.

Virgo, Born 8/23-9/22: Though not as obviously spiritual as your opposite, Pisces, you are the virgin who births great, pure things. There is set to be a great awakening in your belief system and knowledge base, and you are the one who will expand, cyclically, in your individual, revolutionary approach.

Libra, Born 9/23-10/22: Though you like to see all sides of an argument, you must take ownership of the carnal motivations of others. The heavens will force you to evaluate what the role of others are in your life and make some hard decisions with regard to them.

Scorpio, Born 10/23-11/21: There is a real opportunity for you to take ownership of the relationships in your life, and not in your carnal, furtive way. Yes, you can own the pleasures the world has to give without having to control or manipulate others. But this can take a little more time than you’re used to. 

Sagittarius, Born 11/22-12/21: You’re set to experience some disruption in your working conditions and even health. You do best not to charge ahead but rather sit and take ownership of your unfolding situation. 

Capricorn, Born 12/22-1/19: Though there has been a driving impulse towards your ambition and status, your normative mode, you have a real opportunity to express yourself creatively. This energy will be less driving and climbing and more emotive and internal, a welcome change for your state of mind. 

Aquarius, Born 1/20-2/18:You are set to experience disruption in your home life even though home is not necessarily your favorite place to be. Though your head is in the future, you need to have a home base, so you do best to put your mind towards defining your home space.

Pisces, Born 2/19-3/20: Being grounded, purposeful, and taking ownership in your communication will takes your far if you are open to expressing yourself this way. Your magic will take care of the rest. 

I’m Dan Beck, a spiritual consultant and astrologer based in New Orleans, LA, and I provide a variety of offerings for your spiritual longings. To book an appointment or select one of my offerings, click here.

Choosing Venus, and the Waning Moon

Moon Messages Week of May 7, 2018


Most astrology focuses on the Sun—Your Will and Purpose

But what about the Moon?


The Moon is the Embodiment of Communication, Emotion, and Spirit

The Goddess

Opposite God


What is the Moon’s Message to You?

That is the Will and Purpose of This Column

Published Every Monday, which means Moon Day

As the beautiful days of Taurus have begun their denouement, so is the moon waning. This is not necessarily an easy wane, as the moon looks toward the future while letting go of the past, starting off the week inhabiting the sign of visionary Aquarius. What are you to do? Inquire, especially with others whom you find wondrous and beautiful, about what the coming months hold for you. Your questions and curiosity take on a child-like tone as sociable Venus wears the energy of extroverted, playful Gemini, and this is a better approach than joining with war-mongering Mars. Be a child who drops the toy that no longer holds his attention, and you will move forward triumphantly. 

Aries, Born 3/21-4/19: Relating to others is not necessarily your forte, but reach out and let others do your pioneering work for you. 

Taurus, Born 4/20-5/20: Past failures don’t have to indicate future gains, especially with regard to your status and career. Become a child as you playfully envision what the future may hold.

Gemini, Born 5/21-6/20: The wonderful benefic planet Venus is in your sign, and the moon beautifully aspects her, so there’s no limit to your love and social life.

Cancer, Born 6/21-7/22: Confronting your thoughts and feelings about love and relationships may not be easy, but when you bring them to light, you become a master of the social arena. 

Leo, Born 7/23-8/22: You’re desperate to move forward but, your past seems to be holding you back with regard to your future plans. Don’t worry about the past as it’s already behind you.

Virgo, Born 8/23-9/22: You’re feeling your past especially as it relates to health and working conditions. Your future is not wedded to the past but rather your dramatic motion forwards, even if it’s a dream unbeknownst to you. 

Libra, Born 9/23-10/22: You’re feeling the past especially as it relates to your creative offspring. Even though this is where your emotions are, try to get outside of them and be curious about how the higher realms of thought and spirit can take you to your next destination. 

Scorpio, Born 10/23-11/21: Your thoughts are dedicated to how you can place the structures to support your ambition and success, but take a moment to remember the past as you move forward, lest you sting someone else and cause your own demise. 

Sagittarius, Born 11/22-12/21: Your thoughts and feelings are dominated by the past, but you’re moving towards a higher, more knowledge-driven future. This will take some dramatic expression on your part, as opposed to your usual blunt, seeking movements.

Capricorn, Born 12/22-1/19: There may be some money troubles, but money comes in the form of values. When you decide what really matters for you, your past money troubles will lead to future gains. 

Aquarius, Born 1/20-2/18:Though you desperately want to move to the future, as Aquarius is the sign of the future, you’re feeling the weight of the past. A warm, golden lover will help, if you’re open to the drama of a relationship. 

Pisces, Born 2/19-3/20: You may have some unresolved issues regarding past ideals for your future. You must honor these feelings, or they could be your undoing. 

I’m Dan Beck, a spiritual consultant and astrologer based in New Orleans, LA, and I provide a variety of offerings for your spiritual longings. To book an appointment or select one of my offerings, click here.

Breaking Ahead, Still Held Back


Most astrology focuses on the Sun—Your Will and Purpose

But what about the Moon?


The Moon is the Embodiment of Communication, Emotion, and Spirit

The Goddess

Opposite God


What is the Moon’s Message to You?

That is the Will and Purpose of This Column

Published Every Monday—Moon Day


This week, in a rare synchronicity, the sun’s character, having just shifted to the futuristic sign of Aquarius, matches the moon’s message, a waxing crescent that is struggling to break with the old to make way for the new. Specifically, you are beginning to feel and see the length of days expand from the darkest of the year to greater sunlight shed. This is all good news, but remember, though you feel aggressively jubilant about your prospects, and you should, where you want to be is not where you are now. You will have your personal revolution this spring, but for the moment, hold steady.  

Aries, Born 3/21-4/19: You’re really feeling the fire this week, Aries, as the moon is shifting through you and your sign. Remember that even though you are the masthead of the zodiac, a rugged individual who leads all others, enlisting the cooperation of others, especially those whom you find beautiful and diplomatic, will help you actualize the fire in your belly.

Taurus, Born 4/20-5/20: You’re feeling a little unsettled this week, a state the you, as the fixed, sitting, bull do not enjoy. Make sure to reach out to a friend or partner who can be a sounding board to shed some light on what’s upsetting you, and in turn, move forward at your own pace.

Gemini, Born 5/21-6/20: This week is a great time to start letting your ideas catch fire, especially amongst friends, larger social groups, and organizations. If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, did it fall? Your ideas want to be freed, so make a wish, and let those around you do the rest.

Cancer, Born 6/21-7/22: There’s a lot of emphasis on your relationships and partnerships right now, but make sure to take care of your own career and public recognition. You’re great at nurturing and holding onto others, but hold onto the emotions that will carry you far, and reach out to those specific people who can help to this end. You’ll be surprised at the audience you can court.

Leo, Born 7/23-8/22:  You’re thinking about the future more than usual this week, a dragon breathing fire. But remember, slow and steady wins the race, and creating the ideal blend of elements, and dispensing with the difficult elements that aren’t serving you is the way you truly get to the future you desire.

Virgo, Born 8/23-9/22: This is an emotional week for you, Virgo, especially with regard to work, the area of your life which you value the most. Understand that the pain you are experiencing now, unclear and tempestuous, will lead to better results later.

Libra, Born 9/23-10/22: This is an interesting week for you, Libra, as you’re thinking much more about what you’re creating as opposed to curating that which comes before you. This applies to sexuality, relationships, work, and creativity. Though you are the blind judge, you are a creator too. Search your feelings and let them be your guide, a departure from the airy, thoughtful being that you are.

Scorpio, Born 10/23-11/21: This could potentially be a great week for you, Scorpio, as your deeply instinctual feelings, if you act on them in a healthy manner, can take you far with regard to knowledge, travel, career, and new social networks. The trick is to manage these instincts so  you don’t feel the urge to sting.

Sagittarius, Born 11/22-12/21: You might be feeling a little deflated this week, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. There’s a lot of energy for you to put some sensible checks on your finances, and even your deepest values and beliefs, so that when you do press onward, as the Centaur and archer, you can ride more easily to glory.

Capricorn, Born 12/22-1/19: There’s extra emphasis on your career this week, which is a perennial and sometimes self-sabotaging emphasis. You can’t always make it to the top alone, even if the others who help you are acquaintances along the way.

Aquarius, Born 1/20-2/18: This is quite a curious week for you, but you are the unique one of the zodiac. There’s part of you that is perpetually living in the future, yet your hidden emotional and dream world holds you back. Remember that moving forward is at once a process of negotiating with the past as you move forward. Keeping this in your extraordinary mind will help you truly move forward on your own terms.

Pisces, Born 2/19-3/20: Hang on for the ride; what is usually dreamy, formless, and fluid breaks into new life for you, Pisces. Who would have thought that your dream world could become a reality?

I’m Dan Beck, an astrologer and writer based in New Orleans, LA. To discuss the themes I wrote about above, and make them happen here below, book a session with me, today.