sun sign

Feng Shui for your Sun Sign

Everyday Yin and Yang Astrology. Original Link

Many identify with your sun sign, but how is the sun understood in astrology? In Western astrology the sun is the self, will, and purpose, the driving force in one’s life. In the West this is seen neutrally as there are many cultures that have sought to harness the sun’s energy namely in the Mediterranean region and in remote arctic regions. In other areas the sun is seen as a malefic planetary body too hot that burns a hole through everything upon which it casts its rays. I perceive the sun as a blend of both, a driving force that can be harnessed but must be tamed in order to function productively. Interestingly I’ve been experimenting with Feng Shui with regard to harnessing sun as human beings are the element of fire, the element of the sun. Using different elements to harness that fire, your sun sign, is a fun way to dress yourself using Feng Shui principles. Below are some suggestions based upon your sun sign as to how you can look at your closet from a different vantage point through Feng Shui.

Aries: You are the fieriest of the zodiac. Therefore you need the element of water to tone down your fire. You do best to wear clothes with darker undertones to cool off. Reflective surfaces work well such as crystals and glasses. Fluid shapes are recommended. 

Taurus: You are woody earth benefiting from the bounty of the spring. The trees, plants, and flowers that thrive in this season anchor your earth. You do well with blues, greens, browns, and flower prints. Metal and mineral colors help tend to the flowers, plants, trees, and weeds that spring from the earth.

Gemini: You are fiery air, as you wax towards the most sun of the year and are the bubbly twins of the zodiac. As Feng Shui means wind and water, you need earthly structure to tame your changeability with some water thrown in to cool you off. Browns, greens, and yellows are suggested as are clothes with darker undertones. 

Cancer: You are earthy water as you traverse both land and water. A good dose of earth and fire will do you well by donning reds, pinks and oranges will some yellows, blues, and general earth tones. 

Leo: You are earthy fire as your reign supreme prowling over the Savannah. You need wood and water, so lengthy clothing like pants and long-sleeved tops are recommended with dark undertones and floral prints.

Virgo: You are airy earth therefore you need wood the most. Blues and greens, florals, plants and trees and all wooden colors do you well. 

Libra: You are metallic air as your scales are metal and you sit high on your judges’ perch contemplating lofty ideas. You need a bit of fire to harness this metal. Reds, oranges, pinks, and the natural triangle shape of your scales helps. Pictures of animals and human beings help too.

Scorpio: You are stinging, fiery water. You need wood and earth to ground you, so yellows, blues, greens, earth tones, flowers, rectangular shapes, and general earth tones help. Avoid fiery colors and colors with dark undertones. 

Sagittarius: You are airy, earthy, fire, the human who combines with animal spirit and gallops over the earth. Water helps you most as you are not a camel who can retain water. Fluid shapes, dark, undertoned colors, and reflective clothing help. Metals can also aid in your efforts to hold that water, so grays and metallic colors are recommended as well. 

Capricorn: You are watery, airy, earth, as the sea goat and the mountain goat, depending on the astrological interpretation. You’re going to need wood and fire on your journey, so reds, oranges, pinks, and triangular shapes coupled with rectangular shapes, flowers, plants, and blue and green colors.

Aquarius: You are watery air as the water bearer. You need earth to stay grounded with some fire and wood to keep you warm as you are the sign situated in the dead of winter.  Earth tones and yellows; for wood to feed the fire, blues, greens, column shapes, and floral and plant prints.

Pisces: You are water, plain and simple. Thus you need earth to keep you grounded. Rectangular and square shapes, yellows and earth tones, and imagery of landscapes and wide portraits of nature.