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Dawning of the Age of Aquarius or the Month Ahead

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Welcome to the Age of Aquarius, or rather a glimpse into it for the next month. Signs are seasons i.e. Aries is the break from winter and the ramming into spring; Libra is the beautiful placidity of autumn preceding the descent into winter, etc. But Aquarius is about the future. In astrology it’s debated when the Age of Aquarius started, but I believe it started not when that famous song heralded the dawning of the New Age with Jupiter in the 8th house but rather with Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press. The ability to read was not anymore reserved for a privileged few but was to be enjoyed and utilized by the masses. Language and all of its efficient advantages presaged the even faster modes of telecommunications we experience today. We can soon expect even faster forms of communication and travel in the future, perhaps a future closer than we can perceive at present. 

But what does this mean for you, the most critical question, as astrology is ultimately about the you the individual and I the astrologer. It means things are not about the now, or rather the now is about the future. The will and force that desires the future now is really about the structures that allow stability and continuity to process into the days ahead. In astrology one technique projects the future as one day equaling a year. What will your days look like? This can give you a glimpse into the future as the groundwork you lay in 2020 will culminate by the end of the year into the most powerful form of your future. A phenomenon called the grand conjunction will occur in the sign of Aquarius which historically heralds the rise of a new monarch. How will you rise? Look at your individual days and this will yield a clue. Choose wisely your moments, as minutes turn into hours turn into days turn into months turn into years turn into decades, and so on. This is linear thinking, but thinking vertically or emphasizing single moments will indicate what your daily reality will look like in the years to come. How will you experience yourself at present, realizing past present and future are one and the same. 

Aries: March 21 - April 19 

You’re being called in a spiritual direction. Where you’re being called from is mysterious, however. You will be moved to sacrifice yourself in some way. You face two directions—one passed and one yet come to pass. You let part of yourself die so that you may be reborn.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Subconscious drives roiling deep beneath the surface of your mind are erupting. These take the form of spiritual beliefs and manifest amongst your milieu. Paradoxically these emotions are both aggressive and confusing. From this fluid and fiery process you gain a new religion that has you juggling the possibilities of the future while granting you the stability required to turn belief into knowledge. 

Gemini: May 21- June 20

You’re interested in how technology can further the future of religion. You say why does religion have to be about the old and not the new? The insight here is that such thoughts are not the present. There will be battles around your endeavor to change existing dogma. Keep your head in the future while staying in the present lest you get sidetracked by the skirmishes in the present. 

Cancer: June 21 - July 22 

You feel so spiritually inclined and in touch with your coworkers that you can’t understand why a fellow employee insists upon attacking your esoteric mood. You do best to follow your feelings and let this battle go, leaning upon those people who do understand your current disposition. However, beware of letting your newfound freedom lead you down the path of self-sacrifice in the effort to keep the peace and maintain your sanctity.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Recreational sex and deep, penetrating sex are two different states of being. You’re driven to the former but ironically find sweet salvation in the latter. Ironically you find this in your daily goings on, not in a higher minded love affair. When you submit to this simple realization, your transform. 

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Your daily work and the conditions that surround it may not be to your exacting standards but remember it is a process of getting your labor space in order. You end up experiencing some loss as you creatively construct an environment that will serve you in the future. A surprise change in your philosophy of living aids you in this effort. 

Libra: September 23 - October 22

You find love amongst your coworkers, but don’t be so moved by this situation that you lose your bearings. This manifests particularly at home. As long as you stay rooted in your dwelling, you bounce along in your daily affairs while managing the challenges in your abode.   

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21 

You’re driven to act on a money matter right now, but this will leave you enslaved. Love is where it’s at. Release yourself to your most wild, decadent visions of romance. Instead of focusing on the materiality of money you instead transcend reality and find yourself freed. Otherwise you will descend into a hellish realm. 

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

You act impulsively on a risky, creative endeavor. This has you shooting from the hip and missing your mark. Step back and find your grounding. Stay rooted and without tension and you’ll hit where you’re aiming. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Instead of working on your house, get out of the house! You have a chance for a sweet, wine-induced love affair with a neighbor. That person has been looking good as of late, and there’s nothing stopping you. Though you can be the most structured of all the signs, letting go for a bit will do you some good. It’s even better that the tryst happens right around the corner. 

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Happy birthday! This year you are especially Aquarian, meaning you are futuristic, visionary, and not a little bit stubborn. But your values shift. You become more fluid, mystical, and loving. This will come as a surprise to you, but when you accept this change you will find it easily brings you the hidden treasure you’ve been seeking. 

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

There has been a lot of intense career activity for you over the past month. You do best when you practically juggle and spiritually accept your normative, fluid state of mind. There’s somebody who’s looking for a fight at work, but steering clear of this will help you truly advance your career. 

Thanks for reading. I’m Dan Beck, #1 Astrologer in New Orleans. Contact me for readings, parties, events, corporate trainings and more at or by calling 504-313-8706. This article was originally published in Ambush Magazine and has been edited for formatting purposes.