Astrological Association of Great Britain

Star Love Podcast Launch: Episode 1 Featuring Tracie Storey

Photo Courtesy of Rakicevic Nenad

On the debut episode of the Star Love Podcast, we welcomed Tracie Storey. I met Tracie at the Astrological Association of Great Britain’s 2019 Conference, and we became fast friends under an intense Scorpio full moon. On the show, we discussed how Tracie fuses astrology, sound therapy, and more through her practice Elemental Resonance. We also explored how early on she studied classical music while also making mix tapes from what she heard on the radio. She was then inspired to pursue a career as an international DJ but later, wanting to find peace from the beats, Tracie transitioned to her current career, and on this podcast, we offer a few examples of her sound work that you can experience yourselves, live. Visit her website to explore Tracie’s offerings including meditation events, unique products, and her album, also entitled Elemental Resonance. Visit here youtube page to start working with some of her techniques.

Is the amateur just as good as the pro?

I competed in the Astrological Association of Britain’s Costume Contest, Lead into Gold. Photo by Maurice Fernandez.

I competed in the Astrological Association of Britain’s Costume Contest, Lead into Gold. Photo by Maurice Fernandez.

I recently attended the Astrological Association of Great Britain’s annual conference. What surprised me was profiting from interactions with the delegates just as much as the speakers. While there were wonderful speakers, connecting with everyday people who practice astrology nourished and encouraged my own astrological pursuits. The delegates were inspiring, original, and extra ordinary, being both exceptional and ordinary. This provoked a thought on my part. Are those who practice astrology with “less” knowledge equal to the erudite astrologers? Yes, and this is empirically true. In the book Moment of Astrology a study is cited where “less experienced astrologers did just as well as their more experienced counterparts.” (61). This is not to impugn professional astrologers but it does hold that you, dear reader, who may have less experience in the art of astrology can perform just as well as the pros. Every time you engage in astrology you have the chance for insight and revelation. I spoke about this last winter at Academie Gnostique. So whether you’re a practicing astrologer like myself or someone who is less experienced in the most divine of all arts, remember that even at a professional astrology conference where the best in the world gather it’s been proven that you’re just as good. I certainly learned as much.