
Only in Dark the Light, or Happy Summer Solstice!

Image of Loki Killing Baldr, illustration from an 18th-century Icelandic manuscript. Click image for original link and citation.

Happy Summer Solstice! I’m sure most of you know that the Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year when the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky. For the purposes of this blog post, I’ll offer some interpretive insights as to how you might act on this yearly phenomenon. But briefly, I must talk a little bit about the mechanics and Norse mythology of the Summer Solstice. Simply put, the Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere when there is the most light. However, the solstice is simultaneously the beginning in the decline in the amount of light and the lowering of the Sun’s height in the sky along with being the “high point” of the year in terms of light and height. If you look at the image above, it depicts the death of Baldr, Norse god of light, by Hodr, Norse god of darkness who’s literally guided by Loki, god of mischief, to wield a spear made of mistletoe, the symbol of the winter solstice (Hodr is blind and needs help to commit the murder). There’s much more to the myth, which is easily looked up, but the main point is the celebrated high point of the Summer Solstice must invariably begin turning to darkness and ultimately reach its metaphoric nadir on the Winter Solstice. This makes easy literal sense as the aforementioned mistletoe is the symbol of the Winter Solstice, so by killing Baldr’s “light” with winter’s mistletoe, Hodr’s “darkness” can begin to emerge. This myth was important in Norse mythology because in the higher latitudes where these stories were developed, the warmer months were more easily handled than the winter months .

I write this because there is all too often the temptation to hold onto a “high” and resist letting go towards an inevitable decline. In fact, the basic rise, culmination, and setting of the daily motion of the planetary bodies symbolize this. Whenever a planet reaches its highest point, the meridian, it must fall. So, back to the question that is most relevant to you—what should you do? Funny enough, I recommend looking back to May 2021 around the 8th and the 9th. This can give you a clue as to what might have cracked and caused a death of sorts. This can indicate something you might have been trying to hold onto that needed to go. For those who know astrology, this is because Mercury (the trickster god who is like Loki who can cause the trouble) is now at that same degree (7 Gemini) on this Summer Solstice. For me personally at that time, I was on a kind of working vacation where I was studying for an astrology course I was enrolled in. It was challenging, but worth it. However, I’m now more focused on applied astrology rather than theory. This leaves me more time to help you! So feel free to click the link below and book your astrology reading. Happy Summer Solstice, and as you’re celebrating, don’t be afraid to let go of the light. Remember, as the great writer Ursula K. Le Guin once wrote in the opening pages of A Wizard of Earthsea (available for purchase below), “only in dark the light”. Thanks for reading, and for your support. Your tips and wishes (make a wish for yourself below) help keep all this going.

Alert! Sting of the Tail

Image by Taryn Elliot

Image by Taryn Elliot

There’s a phenomenon in astrology called “Sting of the Tail”. For those who want to simply know how this applies to them, think back to what was happening around the last new Moon, which occurred in the early morning of Saturday, March 13th, 2021 in the States, late morning in Britain, and later in the day as one continues eastward. Now think back to what occurred in the intervening days, ending Monday March 15, 2021, late morning/early afternoon in the States, the evening in Britain, and into the next day as you move farther east. Whatever was beginning to emerge around this time, whatever was good and useful to you, will be reviewed from Friday, April 9, 2021 morning/early afternoon in the States, the evening in Britain, and into the wee hours for points farther east through the the evening of Sunday, April 11, 2021 in the States, into the wee hours in Britain, and into the day as time is “further along” eastward. Whatever must go in order to take that which is good forward must fall by the wayside. This is a particularly intense phase of the Moon, and with all your activities it is best to cultivate a mindset of detachment that gives mature, sober insights as to what is truly necessary in the here and now. Let go of everything else as it relates, again, to what was happening around that initial new Moon and the couple days after. An easy way to do this is to check your calendar, emails, and text messages or simply allow the first thoughts that pop in your mind around these dates to guide you. To explore these themes in the space of a full astrology reading, click here to book your appointment.

For those more astrologically curious, the Sting of the Tail is a phase of the Moon that is rarely talked about. After every new Moon, the Moon initially waxes over the section of the zodiac that the Sun will eventually cover in the whole of the monthly lunar cycle. This is simply because the Moon moves through the zodiac much more quickly than the Sun, taking a little over two days to go through each sign whereas the Sun takes about a month to move through a zodiac sign. Thus the Sun moves through the area that the Moon already covered in the initial stages of her waxing phase. However, the Moon, in the last days of her waning, must go back over that territory. Remember that the initial waxing phase of the Moon is when things are just beginning to emerge, and the last waning days of the Moon are about endings and letting things go. Therefore, whatever was emerging into being must be protected in order to survive by letting go of the material around the initial phase that is detrimental.

To give an example, this last new Moon was at 23 degrees Pisces. This next new Moon will be at 22 degrees Aries. Last month, the Moon moved through the section of the zodiac that was 23 degrees Pisces to 22 degrees Aries just as she began waxing. It’s taken the Sun almost a month to cover that territory, and just before the new Moon at 22 degrees Aries, the Moon will have to “go back over” the territory of the zodiac she initially waxed through. So in one of her phases she waxes, or grows, and in the other, she ebbs, or recedes. As I said before, the a good way to approach this phenomena is to look back to the initial waxing phase and look to the waning Sting of the Tail phase, see what was working and what wasn’t, and proceed with calm caution. Then the sting won’t be felt so harshly!

Click here to make a wish on the new Moon after you’ve done the work of cleaning things out during the Sting of the Tail and support the continued publishing of these articles.

Thanks to Terry MacKinnel for introducing me to Sting of the Tail.

Skeptical Astrology: Season 2, Episode 8

On this episode of the Star Love Podcast, we welcome author and data scientist (although he’s had to make peace with that label) Alex Boxer. I found Alex after searching through the Yale (our shared alma mater) alumni network for anybody who might be doing anything related to astrology. Alex was the one who came up, and I couldn’t have found anybody better! Sharing a mutual love of the humanities, astrology, and science, we discuss Alex’s work that traverses the history of astrology, the similarities between modern and ancient approaches to data science, his stunning online interactive astrolabe, and dueling Roman poets Lucretius and Manilius.

If you’d like to sponsor an episode or season of the Star Love Podcast email Inner Makeup Astrology Business Manager James, and please remember to rate us on Apple Podcasts.




Language of Energy, Poetry of Life: Season 2, Episode 7

On this episode of the Star Love Podcast, we welcome astrologer, writer, and teacher Rebecca Gordon. Rebecca calls astrology “the language of energy” and “the poetry of all life”, and she lives out these maxims, taking an empathic, deeply emotive approach to her work that embodies the feel of astronomy for astrological purposes. Possessing a musical and artistic background, Rebecca consults with individuals, businesses, and has a passion for teaching with her Astrology School having run for 15 years. I was moved by this interview because the creative spirit Rebecca brings to her work is where I feel astrology should go. Please rate us on Apple Podcasts, and if you’re interested in sponsoring the Star Love Podcast, email Inner Makeup business manager James.

Recorded Mid-Day October 8, 2020 Central Time.

Time Stamps for Time Keepers

0 Introduction

2:32 Interplay Between Astrology and Astronomy

10:17 Rebecca’s Artistry 

15:29 Getting into a Poetic Mindset

24:10 Astrology and Music

27:35 Astrology and the Humanities

33:20 Medical Astrology

43:06 Astrology in the Business World

48:00 Number 5 and Chanel No. 5

51:35 Transits of 2020 and 2021

57:22 Closing

Link to Rebecca’s Website

Sign Up for Rebecca’s Astrology for Entrepreneurs Course, her most popular course. Launches soon: January 27, 2021. Rebecca’s Astrology School has been running for 15 years and on the podcast we talk extensively about her style of teaching that inspires creativity.

This is fun: Receive Your Complimentary Download of Sync Your Calendar To Cosmos, a moon sign guide that will sync your daily calendar to the lunar signs each week.

Astrology Is Not A Magic Show: Season 2, Episode 6

Star Love Podcast Host Daniel Beck | Guest Maren Altman

On this episode of the Star Love Podcast, we welcome astrologer, author, and philosophy graduate student, Maren Altman. I learned about Maren through a friend who found one of Maren’s videos on TikTok, and I must say, I was surprised to see high quality astrology coming through that media platform! Maren is doing some innovative and practical things in astrology education, keeps her growing audience informed with the latest trends in political astrology, and most deliciously, whips up great recipes as the Cosmic Chef.

Time Stamps for Time Keepers


4:20-Maren’s Approach to Astrology

19:04-Maren’s Philosophy Background 

27:44-Bringing Psychology Into Astrology

29:57-Maren’s Acting Background 


34:47-Meaning of Maren’s name 

36:05-Mundane and Political Astrology

40:45-Fate and free will

44:06-Maren’s Writing 

48:22-Astrology Transits of 2020-2022

58:34-Maren’s Culinary Arts


Maren’s Books

Maren’s Book Picks

Dan’s Book Pick

Crime and Punishment is a classic with a dire warning: if you transgress with a new idea or word via delusions of greatness, and it be unformed and spun by the machinations of a paranoid mind, the crime becomes not the idea but rather the abandonment of spirit that can give liberation beyond the words.


Link To Maren’s Website

Further Resources

To explore the idea of “wrong charts”, that is astrology charts that are not accurate birth times that still provide meaningful, exacting insights, purchase Maggie Hyde’s book, Jung and Astrology. Or go to this link to read an essay by Geoffrey Cornelius that references how “wrong charts” work in the context of astrology as divination. This is a good counterargument to one of the most forceful skeptical arguments by Geoffrey Dean.

To explore how to reconcile using whole sign houses and some form of quadrant houses, go to this link and read an essay by Charles Obert about using both systems at once. I find that this method helps live chart interpretation flow during readings. Take for example, if somebody has Venus in Aries in the 7th house, but Aries is the 8th whole sign, an interpretation might be “there is an aggressive drive towards finding harmony in relationships that can result in fights about joint resources.” At this point I might reference the tarot card the 4 of wands which is the tarot equivalent of Venus in Aries (designated by the Golden Dawn) and suggests a need to construct harmony to harness that aggression. For a long while I’ve been using the deck the Tarot of Dreams, available for purchase below, that includes that astrological significations on each of the cards.

Tarot of Dreams
By Ciro Marchetti, Lee Bursten
Buy on Amazon

Thank you for listening! If you’re interested in sponsoring a season or episode of the Star Love Podcast, email Inner Makeup Business Manager James

Basil's Way: Season 2, Episode 5

Star Love Podcast Host Daniel Beck | Guest Basil Fearrington

On this episode of Star Love Podcast, we welcome astrologer and musician Basil Fearrington. Basil has had a phenomenal music career playing with the likes of Roberta Flack, Stevie Wonder, George Benson, and more, and has also recorded his own solo albums as well. He is a leading astrologer and is the go-to authority on the methods of the late astrologer Noel Tyl, his teacher. This is an extraordinary podcast for lovers of music, featuring harrowing stories about Donny Hathaway, among others. Basil’s astrology is sound, practical, and takes a “common sense” approach, his “New Way Astrology”.

Time Stamps for Time Keepers

0 Introduction

2:22 Basil’s music career 

19:16 Developing technique 

29:42 Defining Astrology

33:37 Fate, free will, and humanistic astrology  

37:27 Social media astrology

40:24 How to go about learning astrology

43:28 Differences between ancient and modern astrology 

48:22 Eastern Philosophy, Taoism, and Basil’s spiritual background

53:27 Predictions in astrology 

1:03:13 How Basil has managed his career

1:04:44 Basil’s current activities

The New Way to Learn Astrology
By Fearrington, Basil, Tyl, Noel
Buy on Amazon

Basil’s astrology textbook that gets near unanimous praise. Many people say it is the best astrology book they own.

Basil’s solo album that proves he can go it alone!

Basil performed on this album and says Mary J. Blige is a “total sweetheart”.

Choreographing Astrology: Season 2, Episode 3


Our guest Amelia Ehrhardt’s name sounds exactly like the Amelia Earhart!

On this episode of the Star Love Podcast, we feature astrologer, dancer, and choreographer Amelia Ehrhardt. Her artistic background as a dancer and choreographer has informed her approach to astrology which is revealed in the podcast as a kind of “choreographic” casting of an astrology chart. Listen to get a fresh take on the definition of astrology, how creativity and astrology mesh, and celebrity astrology.

Time Stamps for Time Keepers


1:49-Amelia’s namesake 

4:44-How Amelia got into astrology

8:06-Story behind Amelia’s astrology practice “soft aspects”

12:20-Definition of astrology

18:37-Writing for OMGBlog 

22:22-Nature of predictions

25:38-Amelia being an artist doing astrology

30:53-House systems in astrology

35:41-Amelia doing astrology in bed

37:10-Amelia’s dance background 

48:16-Astrology of 2019 through early 2021

55:00-Celebrity Astrology


Books Mentioned During the Podcast

Links to Amelia’s Work and Platforms

Dance and Choreography





Are We in the Age of Aquarius? Season 2, Episode 2

Courtesy of Helen

Courtesy of Helen

On this episode of the Star Love Podcast, we welcome astrologer Terry MacKinnel. We discuss Terry’s pioneering work that rectifies the astrological ages (just what age(s) are we in? you’ll be surprised!). A man interested in epochal historical and cultural development, we discuss everything from maritime discoveries to Lucretius to the printing press. Perhaps my favorite part of the interview is the elucidation of Terry’s parallel occupation that dives into the deeper aspects of spirituality. If you’re interested in spirituality, the astrological ages, history, and how to get into the mood of loving life, this is an interview not to be missed!

Time Stamps for Timekeepers

0-6:59 Introduction

7:00-11:04 How Terry got into astrology

11:05-14:11 Terry’s spiritual pursuits 

14:12-19:41 The astrological ages and different zodiacs

19:42-31:21 Age of Aquarius and astrological divisions and subdivisions

31:22-35:29 Reception of Terry’s ideas

35:30-41:49 Heliacal Rising, Hipparchus, and Visual Astrology

41:50-50:44 Other astrological ages and overflow of ages

50:45-57:17 Terry’s astrological practice and the nature of astrology

57:18-1:03:42 Fate and Free Will

1:03:43-end Closing

Links and Other Resources

Terry’s Website on Macro-Astrology

Terry’s Blog

Terry’s Website for Vedic-Western Fusion Astrology

Link to the Lucretius poem mentioned by Terry

Prem Rawat’s website, the spiritual teacher Terry mentioned

Star Love Podcast Season 2 Episode 1 Featuring Astrologer Janet Booth

J Booth portrait low res.jpg

Janet Booth

The Astrologer Who Helps You “Plan-It”!

For the opening episode of the second season of the Star Love Podcast, we welcome astrologer Janet Booth! I met Janet through my involvement with the Astrological Society of Connecticut, and we’ve kept up the connection ever since. We discuss her soon to be famous “Libra” shirt, our mutual love of Connecticut pizza, her business background, and the unique astrological techniques she employs in her work. The majority of the interview is spent exploring the transits of 2020 into 2021 and how you can apply these energies for your sun and/or rising sign.

This episode was recorded June 17, 2020. Please rate us on Apple Podcasts, and if you’re interested in sponsoring a future podcast, email Inner Makeup business manager James. To make a wish for yourself and support the continued production of the Star Love Podcast, click here.

Time Stamps for Time Keepers

0-6:07 Introduction

6:08-9:57 Janet’s career working in business administration and then astrology

9:58-11:56 The inspiration behind Janet’s website Astrology Booth

11:57-14:24 Janet’s and my mutual love of Connecticut style pizza

14:25-19:19 Janet’s unique approach to astrology

19:20-24:49 Astrology and the pandemic

24:50-28:42 Human nature and astrology

28:43-36:44 Shifting from major Capricorn transits to Aquarius transits

36:45-49:29 2020 Saturn Jupiter conjunction and recommendations for each sign

49:30-54:04 Mercury Retrograde

54:05-57:39 Janet’s famous “Plan-its” and how one can use the moon phases

57:40-end The planetary body Eris and closing remarks

Links and Other Resources

Visit Janet’s website, for a plethora of free content, including resources for 2021, free downloadable pdf’s with ratings for each day, a best and worst days list, and a retrograde bar chart called “On a Page”. You can also sign up on the footer of any page on to receive free occasional newsletters and free morning messages with the day's rating describing what the day might be like or how to utilize the planets' energies.

Here is a link to the article about Ceres, Pluto, and Eris mentioned on the podcast.

Star Love Podcast Season 1 Episode 12 Featuring Astrologer, Musician, and Hiker Bruce Scofield

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Astrologer, Musician, and Hiker Bruce Scofield.

On episode twelve of the Star Love Podcast we welcome astrologer Bruce Scofield. I’m thrilled to have Bruce on to discuss his wide ranging interests including different forms of astrology and music. We talk about how he moved from playing trumpet to rock music, ultimately becoming an astrologer after seeing the accuracy of some personal transits. From traditional astrology to correlating weather patterns with Saturn transits, Bruce is one of the most original and learned astrologers you will find. 

This episode was recorded February 20, 2020.

Time Stamps for Time Keepers

0-11:28 Introduction

11:29-15:39 Bruce’s definition of astrology

15:40-18:11 The intertwining of people’s astrology charts

18:12-29:32 Bruce’s exploration of different types of astrology 

29:33-33:59 Bruce’s going to Central America to study Mesoamerican Astrology

34:00-41:13 Astrology and its relationship to individuals and humanity at large

41:14-50:22 Bruce’s study of weather patterns  

50:23-51:56 The name of Bruce’s website One Reed and the God Quetzalcoatl

51:57-58:36 Fall of the Aztecs and the Saturn/Pluto Conjunction

58:37-end Bruce’s upcoming activities and closing remarks

Links and Book Recommendations

Link to information about Bruce’s teaching at Kepler College.

Link to Bruce’s academic papers.

Link to Bruce’s writings on Natural Astrology, the branch of astrology more concerned with larger forces of nature rather than individual human beings and their horoscopes.

Link to One Reed Publications, Bruce’s extensive website for all things astrology and Mesoamerican Astrology. You can get a free Maya-Aztec personality report that, I have to say, especially in a pressing, divinatory moment, is spot on!

Below is Bruce’s book on Election Astrology, or the astrology of selecting an opportune moment to start something. Also his other book mentioned in the podcast. Last, Margaret Atwood’s book Surfacing provides a literary path to some of the concepts explored in the podcast.

The Death and Rebirth of Your Money

What does astrology have to say about money? Quite a lot, with deep and practical implications for how one views money and their relationship to it. There are two parts of an astrology chart that I look to when assessing finances. For those unfamiliar with astrology, a chart is a 2D rendering of how the heavens looked at the time of one’s birth. It can be used for the birth of a situation, question, or event, but for the purposes of this essay, I will be focusing on an individual’s natal chart. However, the chart of the moment when I am writing this essay is provided below.  


The leftmost side of the chart is the Eastern Horizon, called the Ascendant. This is where the planetary bodies appear every day and subsequently follow, loosely, the ecliptic path of the Sun, which is the top half of the circle. Of course, we know that this is not what it is actually happening in the heavens. Still, it provides a useful portrait of the astrological weather at the time one’s birth that is a celestial reflection of one’s psyche. Thus the planets rise, culminate (the top part of the chart, the Midheaven, or the highest point in the sky which faces South), and set (the right part of the chart and directionally West). The bottom most part of the chart is North and is called the Nadir, symbolically the lowest point where the planets transit when they are out of view from the vantage point of earth. The planets are signified by the little symbols just on the inside of the wheel. The planets also aspect each other, that is, create angles based on the degrees of the circle. For example, if a planet is on the leftmost side of the chart and a planet is at the topmost part of the chart, this creates a 90 degree angle, called a square. You’ll see that the wheel is divided into twelve sections, called the houses, and two of these houses are what we will be focusing on for the discussion about the depth and symbolism of money. The two houses that delineate money are the second house (look at the lower left part of the chart marked “2” and this is that section of an astrology chart) and the eighth house (look to the upper right part of the chart marked “8” in the astrology chart). Looking to these houses, which signs occupy them (the signs are the colors on the outside of the wheel and are the type of “energy” that inhabits the domain of a house) and which planets (planets are “what” is happening) rule over and/or are in that house. The focus of this essay, again, is to speak about, symbolically, what is the second house of one’s own resources, values, and what one has to work with; and, what comprises the eighth house of other people’s resources, inheritances, taxes, death, and personal psychology.

In antiquity, the second house was known as the Gate of Hades. Whatever is going on here in a chart is where I begin to interpret finances, values, and the resources with which one has been endowed. In Hindu Astrology, it also is the domain of speech and domestic happiness, in other words, “putting your money where your mouth is.” Like the fecund beauty of springtime in the month of May, so is the second house, and it is said to be fixed and immovable. Thus, so are the gifts you have been given in this life as reflected in this part of your birth chart or any chart for that matter. Astronomically it is not hard to see why the ancients felt the second house as the Gate of Hades. This is a house just beneath the earth where the planetary bodies begin their daily rise. Remember the leftmost side of the chart is the Eastern Horizon or the “Ascendant” where the planets rise along the ecliptic path of the Sun. The question is, if planets emerge out of the Gate of Hades, and give the resources of the second house, like vegetables and flowers springing up in May, from where did these resources come? 

The answer is they “fell” in the 8th House of Death, just as the sun “falls” every day along the ecliptic. This is a never-ending cycle of death and rebirth that can be exemplified in the constellation we know as Orion. In Egypt, what we know as the constellation Orion represented the first king and Egyptian God of Death, Osiris. Following a Pharaoh’s death, Osiris was thought to mystically “inseminate” these set of stars so that Horus, the Sun God, could be reborn. This is exactly the type of mythical content that is the stuff of the 8th house. When one sets out or “rises” with their resources, ultimately they will have to merge with others in order to continue. These “others” include paying taxes, business transactions, marriage “dowries”, depth psychology, and in the sex act itself. There is a metaphoric death that occurs by the losing of oneself by merging with another. Jungian psychology has a great understanding of this phenomenon holding that one’s psyche penetrates, like Osiris, others towards its own ends, causing a kind of death but resulting in a material rebirth. There is something to the phrase “finding oneself”. 

The never ending cycle of life (what is given) and death (what is taken away) continues endlessly. The 8thhouse can give a clue as to what one is truly seeking and what motivates an individual on an unconscious level. However, this can only be done through the aforementioned “others” even if that other is a person engaging in solitary, contemplative self-analysis. These 8th house activities can yield critical insights into one’s material resources and how one values and acts on those resources. However, with the cost levied through that process, the cycle starts anew, that action having lead to a kind of “death” after the inevitable impregnation with “another” occurs. Hopefully this process provides a fruitful and bountiful rebirth. 

Interesting in talking more about your money? Book a reading by clicking the tab below.

Star Love Podcast Season 1 Episode 11 Featuring Astrologer and Artist Anne Beversdorf

On episode 11 of the Star Love Podcast we welcome astrologer and artist Anne Beversdorf. Anne possesses a diverse background in education, library science, and is an accomplished artist, along with her considerable astrological career. We discuss Anne’s drive to succeed in her career life, her and her family’s creative background, and her unique approach towards the use of both Western and Vedic Astrology. Please rate us on apple podcasts, and if you’re interested in sponsoring a future podcast, e-mail To support the continued production of the Star Love Podcast go to the Leave a Tip Make a Wish Section and make a wish for yourself as well.

Star Love Podcast Season 1 Episode 7 Featuring Psychic Cari Roy

New Orleans #1 Psychic Cari Roy.

New Orleans #1 Psychic Cari Roy.

On episode 7 of the Star Love Podcast we welcomed New Orleans’ #1 Psychic Cari Roy. I met Cari Roy at a hobnobber event, and we became fast friends. On the show we discussed having common roots in Philadelphia, how her parents sang opera professionally, and even an experience where as a young girl she sat on William F. Buckley’s lap! Cari is one of the smartest psychics you’ll ever meet, and it was a joy to talk with her about metaphysics, religion, skepticism, and how people starting out in a creative or non-traditional career path can succeed.

This episode was recorded on November 11, 2019, the date of a very special lunation where Mercury was cazimi, or in the heart of the sun, meaning Mercury was visually was right in the center of the sun. As mentioned in the podcast, this hit both Cari and my chart’s at very powerful points, so it was an interesting time to record this podcast. It was somewhat haphazard, the date we chose, as we had to reschedule a couple of times, but maybe it was divinely planned :). Or maybe just chance. Take your pick.

Time Stamps for Time Keepers

0-6:43 Introduction, Cari’s bio, the special lunations at the time the recording (November 11, 2019), Cari’s early psychic experiences, and Cari’s family background

6:44-12:45 Cari’s family members who were both scientists and “creatives-types”, science and creativity, Uranian and Neptunian strands of the divinatory arts, knowing and mystery, and religion and science 

12:46-21:44 Cari’s opera singers parents and her singing background, her extensive international travels, and how singing led to her psychic career 

21:45-27:24 The history of the occult arts in New Orleans, Cari’s learning her trade from her forbearers, and having the discipline to do multiple psychic readings in a day  

27:25-35:53 Cari’s childhood run in with William F. Buckley, the enduring line of her career as a psychic, and her advice for young aspiring creative professionals

35:54-39:16 Cari’s attending school in Philly, her educational backgound, and studying comparative religion 

39:17-41:27 Cari’s take on divine creative inspiration and its relationship to psychic ability

41:28-46:02 Why people come to see Cari for readings, fate and free will and how it relates to time, and what free will agency, if any, we humans have

46:03-55:30 Ethical questions surrounding predictions and the psychic arts, how to handle different situations and clients, and the participatory nature of a reading  

55:31-57:07 Dating as a psychic

57:08-1:02:44 Cari’s second Saturn return, going through breast cancer, and upcoming transits for Cari

1:02:45-end Cari’s take on current astrological transits, the value of taking a break from looking at transits, and how frequently one should get a reading

Star Love Podcast Season 1 Episode 6 Featuring Monisha "Six" Holmes

Star Love Podcast Season 1 Episode 6 Featuring Monisha "Six" Holmes

On episode six of Star Love Podcast we welcomed Six, a Miami-based Astrologer, Intimacy Doula, and student of human sexuality. We discussed her formidable academic background, her unique approach to astrological chart interpretation, her work promoting sex-positivity, and her effort to help clients heal their darker experiences with sexuality.

Star Love Podcast Season 1 Episode 4 Featuring Samuel Reynolds

Be forewarned there is one curse word in this podcast, so if you are offended by a smidgen of profanity, please be advised.

On episode four of the Star Love Podcast we welcomed astrologer Samuel Reynolds. Samuel and I discussed a wide range of topics (see below). His primary aim is to apply astrology in its most realistic, practical, and spiritual form through his practice Unlock Astrology. Check out an upcoming lecture Samuel is giving at the Astrological Society of Connecticut, and look out for him at NORWAC 2020. Please rate this podcast on Apple Podcasts, and if you’re interested in sponsoring a future episode, e-mail

For Time Keepers


4:24 All About Samuel’s Practice

6:30 All About the Different Strands of Humanism

11:20 Samuel’s Ministerial Background

24:30 Samuel’s Discovery of Astrology

33:55 Different Strands of Astrology

41:35 Samuel’s Work with Major Publications

47:01 Samuel’s Media Presence and Distinctive Fashion Style

54:38 Samuel’s Current and Upcoming Activities

Bi-Weekly Moon Message Horoscopes May 17, 2020-May 31, 2020

Has the current state of affairs put a damper on your love life? If it hasn’t, shame on you! But seriously, the need for romance combined with a moment that requires unprecedented social separation is an abiding concern. Being trapped at home is probably magnifying your pent up physical desires leading to feelings of imprisonment. Every cloud has a silver lining, and astrology can supply that hopeful message from the sky. So what is that message? 

To understand messages in astrology one must first look to the planet Mercury, the Roman equivalent of Hermes the winged messenger. Though tricky, as Hermes is one of the great tricksters of mythology, he provides the key that unlocks the door to deeper insights. Mercury is in a good position through the end of May being in the communicative sign of Gemini, his home sign, but is said to dispose Venus who is not as much at home in the sign of Gemini where she currently finds herself. Remember planets occupy signs and the signs govern how the planets are operating. Putting it together, your mind is on love! So who can help? Eros. 

Eros was the son of Aphrodite, the Roman equivalents being Cupid and Venus. Eros can help you understand your erotic impulses by diving head first into what it is you’re truly desiring. Since these past couple of months have had you in chains at home, it’s a perfect time for some self-reflection, and a great opportunity to take care of business on your own. It’s critical to note that Eros truly is love, and love can mean physical pleasure, creativity, beauty, and/or affection. Over the next couple of weeks, Eros will be moving through Aries, sign of self-assertion, and Taurus, the sign of intractable earth. Take this chance over the next couple of weeks to analyze, express, and experiment with the nature of your personal erotic impulses. Then, like a sitting bull, collect the gains you’ve made. 

Aries: With Eros moving through your sign, Aries, and your sign of money, Taurus, you’re money! This is reflected in ancient astrology as the house of creativity and romance was where Venus found her joy. Venus is also money in astrology. Love doesn’t always have to be irrational, and when explore your own erotic self-expression, this opens up doors for you.

Taurus: Eros will be moving through your sector of spirituality and then your sector of self. The message is to let go of an old love. You can’t move forward in love and life without letting go of the old. The key is to value your own self-expression in areas of romance, and then you will experience a rebirth.

Gemini: You may be hit hardest by this transit as you desperately, like a child, want love. You’re looking towards social networks, but clearly that is not an option right now. You’re best bet is to wait, hope for brighter days, and trust in the universe. If you stop trying so hard, good things can happen.

Cancer: “Everything is about sex except sex. Sex is about power” – Oscar Wilde. This applies to your career and your hopes for your career. Of course, sexual harassment guidelines need to be followed, but there is no denying the power of sexual self-expression as a means to gain power. Workplace fantasies can be sublimated into true career advancement. 

Leo: While international travel has come to a halt, this doesn’t mean you can’t fantasize about a tryst that happens abroad. Sometimes the way to enlightenment is by experiencing internal ecstasies as opposed to traveling through time and space to get to them. You are a naturally expressive sign, so disclosing some of your fantasies gives you the attention you’re seeking.

Virgo: Out of all the signs, you have the best chance to probe the darkest recesses of your erotic impulses, making deep psychic gains. The subconscious is now understood by psychologists as the driving motivation of our actions. Acting on these impulses carries its risks, but has its rewards. Exploring these uncharted waters in solitude can be frightening but illuminating.

Libra: This is not the time to hold back on the relationship front. A partner will be like Cupid, shooting arrows at you. Let your heart be pierced, and reap the rewards from this fall. Merging with this partner helps you expand your horizons and go farther than you would have otherwise.

Scorpio: Stop and breathe in the fresh air. Platonic love is the key for you. The flowers, the clouds, a cup of espresso—these things and activities are how you experience love. As one of the most intense, and often times sexual, signs of the zodiac, this might be a challenge. Focus on simple, daily delights, and you’ll find the love you’re seeking. 

Sagittarius: Out of all the signs this month, Cupid’s bow really hits you. Enjoy this, as you are usually the one shooting arrows, as you are the archer. Allow yourself to use the romance that blossoms over the next couple of weeks as a chance to experience yourself on a purely personal level. That might sound strange. After all, isn’t love about two people? But erotic self-expression is just as important for your partner as it is for yourself. 

Capricorn: Though you’re probably the sign most interested with your public reputation, some love on the home front is the astrological doctor’s order. Home cooked meals and slow burn romance touches the heart and takes you away from the massive changes and losses you may have been experiencing. Cupid’s bow helps. Look at this as a pivot, and find good fortune where you least expect it. 

Aquarius: You are one of the most social signs of the zodiac, so these past couple of months have been difficult for you. However, love on the family front, especially amongst siblings, really helps here. Family love returns you to a deeply satisfying place like no other. Use the window of this transit to see that family connections are the most critical in life.   

Pisces: Love and money really do go together, according to astrology. This is usually reserved for Venus, but her son Eros has something to say. Think about what you value sexually and this can inform how you approach finances and generally the resources you have to work with. Objects hold energy too, and electric attraction to them should not be discounted. Beauty and the recognition of beauty is a kind of eroticism. 

Mending the Cracks Under a Full Moon in Scorpio

Death, Transformation, and hopefully Transfiguration (making something beautiful), is a lost art. The classical forces of energy break, bend, and crack as symbolized through the sign Scorpio. The tendency of the human mind seeks uniformity and organization wanting to "fix" that which is "broken". New Orleans is a unique city in that that which is broken is not immediately, if ever, fixed. Cracking and decaying is the rule, and time and nature, reigning supreme in the underworld, New Orleans is the underworld as she lives below sea level, gives us a glimpse into the process of undertaking that begins with cracks and "errors". This affords us an opportunity, the word opportunity being comprised of ops, optimism; porto, door; and perhaps tropos or tropic; to turn. Thus if one recognizes the beauty in "ugliness" there can be a turn for the better, recognizing the inevitable cycles of nature, cosmos, life. These are necessary for death and rebirth, and that which dies will ultimately surface in some other often mysterious way. So I devised a ritual based upon a Japanese technique of mending cracks of pottery with gold or other beautiful materials thus beautifying the impermanent permanent event of a crack. What has cracked in your life or culminated in the powerful Scorpio Full Moon that is leaving you? What is its beauty, fleeting, that is leaving but shall remain as an emotional imprint, as Scorpio is the most emotional of all the signs? Take a moment and lay your flowers, whether its a crack in the street or as we experience here in New Orleans, the collapse of a building like the Hard Rock. For astrology readings: 504-313-8706

Also Available for Rituals

Moon Messages for the Next Two Weeks

Thanks Reynaldo for this beautiful photo. At the time of this article being published, the moon is, like the photo, in the waxing gibbous phase.

Corona. What just came to mind? Of course the virus that has caused mass disruption on a global scale that is entirely unique to this moment. I say unique because the world at this point is more interconnected by media, transportation, and economies than ever before. Thus, when a modern virus appears, it can spread literally and spiritually, by nature and fear.

But the principal meaning of corona, different than the one that initially popped into your head, is the outermost region of the sun’s atmosphere that becomes visible during an eclipse. When I learned this, I struggled to ponder what the astrological symbol of corona could mean. I did a little digging and found out that the sun’s atmosphere made visible during an eclipse is comprised of plasma. The last solar eclipse occurred in December, right around the time Coronavirus was ramping up. Most would interpret this as an ominous sign, but many of the great astrologers and diviners teach us to find the silver lining when the heavens look difficult. After some more research, I found that scientists are looking into the plasma of recovered coronavirus victims to develop treatments. That would truly be something if a difficult eclipse also held the metaphorical clue to its abatement. 

On a personal level, I think the coronavirus calamity can be interpreted as a symbolic call to reconnect with home, family, and all things that nourish us. The north node of the moon, which indicates karmic future, is suggesting as much by continuing her transit through the emotive sign of Cancer.

Aries: March 21 - April 19 

By now, it comes as no surprise that your social life has hit the wall. This is reflected in the heavens as the saturnian influence of the planet Saturn has just combined with the aggressive force of Mars in your sector of friends. The best thing you can do is reasonably rely on technology to keep you in the loop while focusing on siblings and neighbors to sate your in person social needs. This will help with social distancing as well as it will focus on a smaller number of interactions that are more meaningful anyways.  

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Regardless of the disruption you’ve been experiencing, this is a good time to think about your finances as it relates to career. Interestingly, even though the world has been historically upended in the last few weeks, you have been feeling something on a similar level for almost two years. This relates to your work life, and the best way to handle surprises is to adapt to them. Lean on a group of girlfriends to help you sort through these issues—personal, professional, and financial. Though these matters will not resolve themselves instantaneously, the next few weeks will give you a window about how best to carve out your public, individual, and financial path forward. 

Gemini: May 21- June 20

You’re feeling the itch to travel, but clearly that is not going to happen right now. Your best bet is to put those urges to more local endeavours. When was the last time you played a video game, sat down to read a book, or even played chess or checkers with a partner? These activities will give you the fix you’re needing. And, you won’t miss the trip you so desperately thought you needed. 

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

The personal growth you’ve been experiencing over the past year and a half changes at the beginning of May. The shift will occur from the self to a oneness with all that is—in other words, your spiritual world. The interesting thing is that this doesn’t mean renouncing modern society and living in a monastery. What is the hidden, spiritual part of you that connects to the collective consciousness is your fun side! You need to make time to retreat and have a dream world that is childlike and fantastical.  

Leo: July 23 - August 22

You’re feeling the urge to balance your checkbook. The reason this is a challenge is because joint finances with a partner are not clear. I have a feeling this partner is being elusive and possibly deceptive around these matters. This has been happening acutely during the past Mercury Retrograde, the surrounding weeks, and even now. However, this is a long term cycle from 2011-2026. There is an upshot to this—what are your dreams as far as your shared resources with all your partnerships? When you get some clarification around that question, the confusion dissolves.  

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

You’re being your usual Virgoan self—critical, meticulous, and worrisome. To make matters more difficult, a partner is behaving just the opposite—dreamy, out of touch, and unfocused. The best thing you can do is juggle the practicality of what you need romantically while understanding that trying to control others rarely works. A little madness and magic will do you good anyways. 

Libra: September 23 - October 22

Your daily routines and working life have been marked by a lack of clarity since February. You feel like you’re out of focus not only individually but how you relate to society at large. This has generally been a phenomenon since 2011. The best thing you can do, especially since you are at homebound, is take a hard look at your immediate surroundings, change what needs to be changed, let go of what is karmically dragging you down, and reallocate resources that need to be adjusted. This will put things into focus for you.   

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21 

Through the end of June, you’re getting a glimpse into the future of what your home life will be. Your intensely driven to make realize this vision, but future insights are not the present. By the end of 2020, you’re able to start actualizing these goals, but it will still be an effort through 2023 to make all this happen. The key is to stay somewhat emotionally distant from the process while acknowledging your emotions with regard to the situation. Focus on the fundamentals down to the water and electricity—flow, literally and metaphorically, and realize that though the future isn’t the present, how you feel in the present leads you to the future you desire. 

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Watch out for fights on social media with siblings and possibly neighbors. It’s tough to be isolated, and technology is no substitute for in person, human interaction. However, business driven media’s main objective is to fan the emotional flames of the passions between human beings, so be wary of engaging with others on this level. However, the upshot to this is a chance to reflect on what truly motivates you and those around you. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

The losses you’ve been experiencing personally in the past year and a half come to a close in May. Through material losses come spiritual gains. You carry these experiences into the next year and the half, and you have a real chance to experience a spiritual awakening. You become liberated from the things in your life that are the source of your undoing, namely your ambitious nature. 

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18 

Through the month of June, you have the choice of going down one of two paths. The first path is adopting a conservative, slow approach that has you walking into the future by obeying the laws of time and karma. Or, you can yield to an unrestrained passion of trying to improperly launch yourself into the future with less than stellar results. This glimpse into your future self that ends in late June takes material form in late 2020 and will remain through early 2023. Which path you should choose seems obvious to me. 

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Your physical state that might seem in flux right now gains more sure footing by the second full week of April. At that point it would be a good idea to think about how you want to achieve harmony on the home front. You have a nice opportunity to have some fun, sweet, loving energy come into the house. Come the second full week of May, you’ll be glad you set your mind to your dwelling as opposed to other fantasies that take you away from what really matters.  

 During these tumultuous times, an astrology reading can provide guidance, psychic relief, and hope. Go to the contact section to book your appointment.

Mardi Gras Horoscopes and A Special Celebratory Offer

Happy Mardi Gras! We just hit 400 likes on facebook and numbers like 40, 400, 4000, etc. are special because they indicate slow, steady, gestational growth. This shows up spiritually in many different ways. To show gratitude and plant the seeds of future success, I’m offering 40% off all services through the end of this week. Go to the contact page to get in touch to book your appointment or purchase a gift.

What is a sacrifice? This word combines sacra, “sacred things”, and facere, “to do or perform”. A ritual sacrifice provides the opportunity to connect with the divine and requires giving up something to gain something. Mardi Gras of course means Fat Tuesday and derives from the custom of using all the fats in one’s home before Lent. The Carnival Season modulates from simple rituals like emptying the home into full, decadent ecstasies. Mardi Gras offers the chance to convene with the divine and empty oneself. 

Since we live in a consumptive culture that creates and grants an unprecedented largesse of materiality, cleaning out the fat of the house becomes unimportant as we are less bound by the cycles of nature. This is true except for the characters on the show Hoarders. We’ve largely abandoned the spiritual ritual as it relates to Mardi Gras. If this desertion of sacrifice is not understand, we fall prey to it. In other words, if you don’t understand what is spiritually occurring when you empty yourself through decadence and celebration, you will be a victim to your own vices. 

New Orleans is the American City who most triumphantly convenes with the Gods. But its people have largely forgotten them. To remedy this, take a moment to ponder the characters of the myths. Take for example Endymion, the shepherd and astronomer who loved the moon and observed her movements. Argus, the giant with a hundred eyes whom Hermes evaded and slayed, and so on…Consider these Gods, if only for a moment, and have these primal stories surface through your soul. Then, you will have made your sacrifice.  

Aries: March 21 - April 19 

For the week of Mardi Gras, you find yourself fighting to achieve harmony within. This internal struggle is a mismatch of energy, harmony and discord. But order and chaos are always cyclical, and your do best to accept this dance of tension and resolution. If you don’t, you will surely be left with disharmony.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20 

You’re experiencing tension with what you believe. These are beliefs of a spiritual nature. This will require some juggling and irritability to work these things out. Some of the structures you’ve held onto are crumbling, but others are holding strong. Understand that these losses reward you in the coming months with spiritual gains. 

Gemini: May 21- June 20

The thinking around your career is very hazy right now. There are some people who are deceiving you. In the coming months, you do best to shield yourself from these attacks. Through this process, you begin making substantial karmic gains personally when the summer hits. 

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

You’ve been focusing on yourself for the past year. That will change come the summer. At that point the emphasis will be much more on spirituality. Spirituality is a process of letting things go so you can dissolve and begin anew. Letting things go and opening up to the universe is almost always the preferred path. 

Leo: July 23 - August 22

The next several weeks see subconscious, psychological issues coming to the fore. These emotions are confusing but must be dealt with. You do best to keep your response to these emotions structured within your daily practice. In other words allow time for these feelings to emerge while having the discipline to allow the space for them to be honored. 

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Now is a good time to clarify all things related to relationships and partnerships. If this is a romantic partnership, past issues are reviewed. There are some losses here, but the structures that are strong will hold. Structures need to be challenged and transformed or they will crumble. 

Libra: September 23 - October 22

Now is the time to act on matters relating to the home. You have a window through the end of February through March. A physical drive to act on these issues emerges. Put this energy to good use, and make the necessary changes. 

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21 

You are in a powerful position to deal with your siblings through March. You are so powerful that you may turn to unnecessary force. There is a real window here to make some structural change with your kin. However, use force only when necessary.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

This is a great time to act on a matter related to finance. This relates to your money that is tied up institutionally. What is working, what is not, and what needs to change? This will require some juggling, but when you use your visceral drive relating to these issues, you make powerful change. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

The material and even physical losses that have been occurring over the last year and a couple of months come to an end by the summer. This has given you spiritual gains, though. Through the beginning of April, act on what you have learned. The lessons you have been given should not be abstract, philosophical musings but made into concrete plans.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

You have good fortune over the next couple of weeks. This happens in the area of your spirit and health. Enjoy this because by the beginning of spring, you get a glimpse into the future that will herald a new era for you in the years to come. Enjoy it. 

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Known for being a spiritual sign, you have good fortune when you go on your own individual, unique path. This requires finding your own way and even bringing the insights of your journey to the groups. Finding your way is truly about finding your and not letting the drumbeat of the collective tell you otherwise. 


Is the amateur just as good as the pro?

I competed in the Astrological Association of Britain’s Costume Contest, Lead into Gold. Photo by Maurice Fernandez.

I competed in the Astrological Association of Britain’s Costume Contest, Lead into Gold. Photo by Maurice Fernandez.

I recently attended the Astrological Association of Great Britain’s annual conference. What surprised me was profiting from interactions with the delegates just as much as the speakers. While there were wonderful speakers, connecting with everyday people who practice astrology nourished and encouraged my own astrological pursuits. The delegates were inspiring, original, and extra ordinary, being both exceptional and ordinary. This provoked a thought on my part. Are those who practice astrology with “less” knowledge equal to the erudite astrologers? Yes, and this is empirically true. In the book Moment of Astrology a study is cited where “less experienced astrologers did just as well as their more experienced counterparts.” (61). This is not to impugn professional astrologers but it does hold that you, dear reader, who may have less experience in the art of astrology can perform just as well as the pros. Every time you engage in astrology you have the chance for insight and revelation. I spoke about this last winter at Academie Gnostique. So whether you’re a practicing astrologer like myself or someone who is less experienced in the most divine of all arts, remember that even at a professional astrology conference where the best in the world gather it’s been proven that you’re just as good. I certainly learned as much.