
Language of Energy, Poetry of Life: Season 2, Episode 7

On this episode of the Star Love Podcast, we welcome astrologer, writer, and teacher Rebecca Gordon. Rebecca calls astrology “the language of energy” and “the poetry of all life”, and she lives out these maxims, taking an empathic, deeply emotive approach to her work that embodies the feel of astronomy for astrological purposes. Possessing a musical and artistic background, Rebecca consults with individuals, businesses, and has a passion for teaching with her Astrology School having run for 15 years. I was moved by this interview because the creative spirit Rebecca brings to her work is where I feel astrology should go. Please rate us on Apple Podcasts, and if you’re interested in sponsoring the Star Love Podcast, email Inner Makeup business manager James.

Recorded Mid-Day October 8, 2020 Central Time.

Time Stamps for Time Keepers

0 Introduction

2:32 Interplay Between Astrology and Astronomy

10:17 Rebecca’s Artistry 

15:29 Getting into a Poetic Mindset

24:10 Astrology and Music

27:35 Astrology and the Humanities

33:20 Medical Astrology

43:06 Astrology in the Business World

48:00 Number 5 and Chanel No. 5

51:35 Transits of 2020 and 2021

57:22 Closing

Link to Rebecca’s Website

Sign Up for Rebecca’s Astrology for Entrepreneurs Course, her most popular course. Launches soon: January 27, 2021. Rebecca’s Astrology School has been running for 15 years and on the podcast we talk extensively about her style of teaching that inspires creativity.

This is fun: Receive Your Complimentary Download of Sync Your Calendar To Cosmos, a moon sign guide that will sync your daily calendar to the lunar signs each week.

Star Love Podcast Season 1 Episode 6 Featuring Monisha "Six" Holmes

Star Love Podcast Season 1 Episode 6 Featuring Monisha "Six" Holmes

On episode six of Star Love Podcast we welcomed Six, a Miami-based Astrologer, Intimacy Doula, and student of human sexuality. We discussed her formidable academic background, her unique approach to astrological chart interpretation, her work promoting sex-positivity, and her effort to help clients heal their darker experiences with sexuality.

Full Moon in Bed

Original Link from Elephant Journal

I awoke blissfully broken. Over the weekend the moon screamed but now finds herself waning in the mansion Purva Phalguni, the former reddish one. This Nakshatra symbolizes a bed where rest and relaxation reside, but as I surfaced, I found anger and frustration, the red fire raging and warning. This Nakshatra bestows abundance and marital happiness that leads to solipsism. Western astrology would say today’s moon indicates an emotional need to purge. East meets West, pleasure and purity merge. As the moon declines over the next couple weeks, empty yourself, make time for reasonable comforts, and remember that the moon symbolizes moodiness, but the Chinese hold that the moon creates order. 

Waning Moon in Aquarius

Sign I saw at a local health clinic

Astrological symbolism is everywhere if you’re open to it. I saw a sign that featured a rough approximation of the symbol of Aquarius coupled with a waning moon in its balsamic phase. I feel the moon struggles in Aquarius, suffering from the intellectual, rigid, and futuristic character of Aquarius that contrasts with the moon’s waves of emotion that build over time. Also, the waxing and crescent phases are so “close” to the sun that it becomes what is called combust, and the moon loses her power, except when she is exactly in the new moon phase. I’m curious is to how the feel of the health clinic matches the character of the astrological symbolism.

The Devil and the Moon

Saturn in close aspect with Moon Original:


If you look up to the heavens tomorrow evening, just after 10 PM Central Time, you’ll see the planet Saturn in a close aspect with the very bright, waning gibbous Moon. This is the moment of this year that Saturn is most visible. I approach the planets, along with various symbols, signs, and omens, as an invitation to interpretation and creative reinterpretation. Thus, when I realize that Saturn and the Moon are to be very closely conjoined in the sky, in fact the most visible this year, I take note and reflect.

Saturn gets a bad rap in astrology. You’ve probably heard of your Saturn return, and even language itself has relegated that word saturnian, saturnine, saturnalia, even satan or the devil to a reviled position, meaning “slow and gloomy.” Even astrology itself is not immune as the word saturnine was originally used to describe the mood of astrologers! I’m at times inclined to agree. Regardless of the history, is there a constructive way to view Saturn? 

In her book Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey suggests that “When the disciple knows Saturn as the God who offers opportunity and does not only feel him to be Deity who brings disaster, then he is on the path of discipleship in truth and in deed and not just theoretically.” The Greco-Roman cultures understood this, exalting Kronos, the Greek equivalent to Saturn, as a ubiquitous symbol of a golden era of youth, agriculture, and abundance. Temples were erected to honor Saturn. Saturn is also the root of the word “Saturday” which is the day of rest in Judaism and a modern respite from the work week for everybody else. The key here is to find the limiting factors in your life that need to check normative and uncontrolled expansion and movement, embodied in the planet Jupiter, and subsequently make necessary, disciplined, restrictive adjustments. 

Temple of Saturn in Rome


So what does it mean that the Moon will so closely aspect Saturn? They both take on the conservative, structure-oriented garb of the sign Capricorn, but unlike Saturn who feels at home in Capricorn, the Moon does not like being in Capricorn. The Moon would prefer to be at home in the floating, emotive sign of Cancer or the beautiful, earthly sign of Taurus. Structure and conservatism does not fit the Moon, the original planetary body of communication, emotion, spirit, and nurturance that builds things over time. Therefore, even if you’re not feeling the desire to structure yourself the way you know you need to, do it anyways. 

As you expand in your life, determine what you need to put the brakes on to truly master where it is you want to go. Saturn, though doling out destruction, can be abated by wisely making choices within the bounds of free will. Of course, there still is fate, for better and worse, but if you reject Saturn i.e. the devil’s offerings, you are sure to succeed. 

I'm Dan Beck, an astrologer, writer, and spiritual consultant based in New Orleans, LA. To explore my offerings and book a session, click here .