
Choosing Venus, and the Waning Moon

Moon Messages Week of May 7, 2018


Most astrology focuses on the Sun—Your Will and Purpose

But what about the Moon?


The Moon is the Embodiment of Communication, Emotion, and Spirit

The Goddess

Opposite God


What is the Moon’s Message to You?

That is the Will and Purpose of This Column

Published Every Monday, which means Moon Day

As the beautiful days of Taurus have begun their denouement, so is the moon waning. This is not necessarily an easy wane, as the moon looks toward the future while letting go of the past, starting off the week inhabiting the sign of visionary Aquarius. What are you to do? Inquire, especially with others whom you find wondrous and beautiful, about what the coming months hold for you. Your questions and curiosity take on a child-like tone as sociable Venus wears the energy of extroverted, playful Gemini, and this is a better approach than joining with war-mongering Mars. Be a child who drops the toy that no longer holds his attention, and you will move forward triumphantly. 

Aries, Born 3/21-4/19: Relating to others is not necessarily your forte, but reach out and let others do your pioneering work for you. 

Taurus, Born 4/20-5/20: Past failures don’t have to indicate future gains, especially with regard to your status and career. Become a child as you playfully envision what the future may hold.

Gemini, Born 5/21-6/20: The wonderful benefic planet Venus is in your sign, and the moon beautifully aspects her, so there’s no limit to your love and social life.

Cancer, Born 6/21-7/22: Confronting your thoughts and feelings about love and relationships may not be easy, but when you bring them to light, you become a master of the social arena. 

Leo, Born 7/23-8/22: You’re desperate to move forward but, your past seems to be holding you back with regard to your future plans. Don’t worry about the past as it’s already behind you.

Virgo, Born 8/23-9/22: You’re feeling your past especially as it relates to health and working conditions. Your future is not wedded to the past but rather your dramatic motion forwards, even if it’s a dream unbeknownst to you. 

Libra, Born 9/23-10/22: You’re feeling the past especially as it relates to your creative offspring. Even though this is where your emotions are, try to get outside of them and be curious about how the higher realms of thought and spirit can take you to your next destination. 

Scorpio, Born 10/23-11/21: Your thoughts are dedicated to how you can place the structures to support your ambition and success, but take a moment to remember the past as you move forward, lest you sting someone else and cause your own demise. 

Sagittarius, Born 11/22-12/21: Your thoughts and feelings are dominated by the past, but you’re moving towards a higher, more knowledge-driven future. This will take some dramatic expression on your part, as opposed to your usual blunt, seeking movements.

Capricorn, Born 12/22-1/19: There may be some money troubles, but money comes in the form of values. When you decide what really matters for you, your past money troubles will lead to future gains. 

Aquarius, Born 1/20-2/18:Though you desperately want to move to the future, as Aquarius is the sign of the future, you’re feeling the weight of the past. A warm, golden lover will help, if you’re open to the drama of a relationship. 

Pisces, Born 2/19-3/20: You may have some unresolved issues regarding past ideals for your future. You must honor these feelings, or they could be your undoing. 

I’m Dan Beck, a spiritual consultant and astrologer based in New Orleans, LA, and I provide a variety of offerings for your spiritual longings. To book an appointment or select one of my offerings, click here.

Dance with Venus and the Moon

From New Earth Heartbeat. https://bit.ly/2JQc8zV

Moon Messages Week of April 16, 2018


Most astrology focuses on the Sun—Your Will and Purpose

But what about the Moon?


The Moon is the Embodiment of Communication, Emotion, and Spirit

The Goddess

Opposite God


What is the Moon’s Message to You?

That is the Will and Purpose of This Column

Published Every Monday, which means Moon Day


There’s been a lot of talk in the astrological community recently about the difficult, squaring action between the transiting planets and signs of Aries and Capricorn. But my suggestion is to look towards the moon, in a beautiful, young, crescent state, exalted and building in earthly, Taurean energy, helped and abetted by bountiful Venus. And this week, they are coupled together if you look up towards the sky. Taurus is the most earthly of all the earth signs, and the moon finds its joy in this sign, being the steady constructor and deconstructor of the zodiac. Venus, the embodiment of the beauty of the earth in spring, finds home in Taurus. How might you approach this energy? Recognize that astrology is not all about the stars, as above so below, but also the beauty that occurs here on earth as reflected in the symbols of the seasons. Staying grounded is just as much the key to astrology as having your head in the clouds, and in the end, it comes down to the quality of your dirt. 


Aries, Born 3/21-4/19:The quakes of your birthday season are about to come to an end, but I have a way for you to look ahead. Sit and enjoy the material gifts of the Moon and Venus, because believe it or not, their creative powers are out in front of even your impressive head start. 

Taurus, Born 4/20-5/20: This week is extraordinarily beautiful for you, just make sure that you put some of the gifts received to work. Otherwise you risk hoarding them and their subsequent loss of value.

Gemini, Born 5/21-6/20: You’re wedded to your mind, but it’s actually your subconscious that drives you. Pay attention to your dreams—they’re trying to communicate with you the treasures your mind won’t bring you.

Cancer, Born 6/21-7/22: This week is a golden opportunity to water the proverbial flowers that are your friends and social networks. A little tending to this area of your life will result in massive, quick growth. And you’re good at nurturant watering anyways. 

Leo, Born 7/23-8/22: You’re animated towards your own dramatic self-expression, but your career takes precedent right now. If you tend to the earthly, mundane details of your public recognition, you are sure to succeed.

Virgo, Born 8/23-9/22: You may always have a chip on your shoulder for not receiving your due, and you should, but if you pleasurably apply your shrewd analytical skills to the expansion of your spirit and higher mind, nothing will stop you. But you must believe.

Libra, Born 9/23-10/22: It will take a little balancing (the keyword of your life), but some of the carnal drives that ache to be brought to light, be they your own or the motivations and problems of others, are actually the source of your treasures. Darkness must exist first to then be brought to light, and your darkness holds the keys to your treasure.

Scorpio, Born 10/23-11/21: You can relax a bit as the partnerships and relationships in your life bring you the resources and materials you need. It doesn’t always have to be about deeply intuiting what you need from others.

Sagittarius, Born 11/22-12/21: Though you are the most expansive sign of the zodiac, let Venus and the Moon do the “searching and seeking” for once. Let them build what you believe in and wish to come into fruition.

Capricorn, Born 12/22-1/19: You’re certainly one of the more practical signs of the zodiac, but loving the ground you seek to climb over is the answer for you this week. Why climb the mountain, dear goat, if you have a farm already at your hands?

Aquarius, Born 1/20-2/18:All of the energy of Taurus falls in your sector of home. Though you have the mind of a genius, without a home base, you are forever lost. 

Pisces, Born 2/19-3/20: All of the wonderful energy of Taurus falls in your sector of short travels, journeys, and writing. So, make good on it, and chatter away.

I’m Dan Beck, a spiritual consultant and astrologer based in New Orleans, LA, and I provide a variety of offerings for your spiritual longings. To continue this thread of text and spirit, click here.

Mourning the Seeds Who Won't Make It

From https://cannabistraininguniversity.com/cannabis-root-disease/

Moon Messages Week of April 9, 2018


Most astrology focuses on the Sun—Your Will and Purpose

But what about the Moon?


The Moon is the Embodiment of Communication, Emotion, and Spirit

The Goddess

Opposite God


What is the Moon’s Message to You?

That is the Will and Purpose of This Column

Published Every Monday, which means Moon Day

You’ve experienced the beginnings of spring with its violent burst towards brighter days, but with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The moon wanes back towards her invisible state, a recapitulation in the declamatory, initiating sign of Aries, but asks that you, as with every moon cycle, discard what has outlived its time here and mourn the seeds who won’t succeed. You are asked to look back as you envision the future that is not quite upon you.

Aries, Born 3/21-4/19:  The moon is shifting through your house of friends, hopes, and wishes, and the house of dreams and self-undoing. Take some time to open up amongst your various social networks this week, repairing your ship, as you can’t always be firing away at the helm.

Taurus, Born 4/20-5/20: What isn’t working for you in your career? The answer to that question is the key to a new, earthly flowering in your public status you never dreamed possible.

Gemini, Born 5/21-6/20: The heavens are asking you to think a bit more seriously about your future, as the past has led you to this point. Looking back will give you a clue to the type of career direction you want to achieve down the road.

Cancer, Born 6/21-7/22: Some dark, carnal feelings about your social life may bubble up this week. Allow yourself to feel these emotions, as you are the most feeling sign, and let them guide you to some mystical new directions amongst a variety of friends and social networks.

Leo, Born 7/23-8/22: Your karmic future looks golden, as you are the royal sign of the zodiac, but you must take care to nurture yourself, your social networks, and your partnerships or you’ll find yourself a despot alone.

Virgo, Born 8/23-9/22: Work can kill you, dear Virgo, so take a hard look at what hasn’t worked for you in the past and make sure not to repeat it in the future. If you reach out and ask for help, you shall receive instead of giving.

Libra, Born 9/23-10/22: Though you’re used to the gifts coming to weigh upon your scales, what hasn’t worked in your romantic life in the past? Though you are an air sign, there is energy to release the past and light your love life on fire this week, but only if you step down from your judge’s perch.

Scorpio, Born 10/23-11/21: You may be feeling a lack of security this week, especially with regard to your home and family life. You do best to honor these past feelings and allow them to lovingly propel you into the future.

Sagittarius, Born 11/22-12/21: Though you are the knowledgeable believer of the zodiac, you may be reconsidering this week how your beliefs have misfired in the past, especially with regard to communicating amongst others. No matter, you’ll be able to start fresh with the new moon later in the week and with Mercury moving out of retrograde next week as well.

Capricorn, Born 12/22-1/19: Some past issues with money might come up this week. You may have to turn to siblings and family, but if you’re honest with what’s gone wrong, they will help.

Aquarius, Born 1/20-2/18: It’s about you, the past, and the future this week. How can you combine different states of time? Leave it to you, Aquarius, to envision a totally new paradigm, but only if you feel it into existence. 

Pisces, Born 2/19-3/20: You have to be careful, Pisces, that the past doesn’t undo you this week. Make sure to dot all the I’s and cross all the t’s, especially those that you may have missed, and you’ll make it through.

I’m Dan Beck, a spiritual consultant and astrologer based in New Orleans, LA, and I provide a variety of offerings for your spiritual longings. To continue this thread of text and spirit, click here.