
Dawning of the Age of Aquarius or the Month Ahead

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Welcome to the Age of Aquarius, or rather a glimpse into it for the next month. Signs are seasons i.e. Aries is the break from winter and the ramming into spring; Libra is the beautiful placidity of autumn preceding the descent into winter, etc. But Aquarius is about the future. In astrology it’s debated when the Age of Aquarius started, but I believe it started not when that famous song heralded the dawning of the New Age with Jupiter in the 8th house but rather with Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press. The ability to read was not anymore reserved for a privileged few but was to be enjoyed and utilized by the masses. Language and all of its efficient advantages presaged the even faster modes of telecommunications we experience today. We can soon expect even faster forms of communication and travel in the future, perhaps a future closer than we can perceive at present. 

But what does this mean for you, the most critical question, as astrology is ultimately about the you the individual and I the astrologer. It means things are not about the now, or rather the now is about the future. The will and force that desires the future now is really about the structures that allow stability and continuity to process into the days ahead. In astrology one technique projects the future as one day equaling a year. What will your days look like? This can give you a glimpse into the future as the groundwork you lay in 2020 will culminate by the end of the year into the most powerful form of your future. A phenomenon called the grand conjunction will occur in the sign of Aquarius which historically heralds the rise of a new monarch. How will you rise? Look at your individual days and this will yield a clue. Choose wisely your moments, as minutes turn into hours turn into days turn into months turn into years turn into decades, and so on. This is linear thinking, but thinking vertically or emphasizing single moments will indicate what your daily reality will look like in the years to come. How will you experience yourself at present, realizing past present and future are one and the same. 

Aries: March 21 - April 19 

You’re being called in a spiritual direction. Where you’re being called from is mysterious, however. You will be moved to sacrifice yourself in some way. You face two directions—one passed and one yet come to pass. You let part of yourself die so that you may be reborn.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Subconscious drives roiling deep beneath the surface of your mind are erupting. These take the form of spiritual beliefs and manifest amongst your milieu. Paradoxically these emotions are both aggressive and confusing. From this fluid and fiery process you gain a new religion that has you juggling the possibilities of the future while granting you the stability required to turn belief into knowledge. 

Gemini: May 21- June 20

You’re interested in how technology can further the future of religion. You say why does religion have to be about the old and not the new? The insight here is that such thoughts are not the present. There will be battles around your endeavor to change existing dogma. Keep your head in the future while staying in the present lest you get sidetracked by the skirmishes in the present. 

Cancer: June 21 - July 22 

You feel so spiritually inclined and in touch with your coworkers that you can’t understand why a fellow employee insists upon attacking your esoteric mood. You do best to follow your feelings and let this battle go, leaning upon those people who do understand your current disposition. However, beware of letting your newfound freedom lead you down the path of self-sacrifice in the effort to keep the peace and maintain your sanctity.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Recreational sex and deep, penetrating sex are two different states of being. You’re driven to the former but ironically find sweet salvation in the latter. Ironically you find this in your daily goings on, not in a higher minded love affair. When you submit to this simple realization, your transform. 

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Your daily work and the conditions that surround it may not be to your exacting standards but remember it is a process of getting your labor space in order. You end up experiencing some loss as you creatively construct an environment that will serve you in the future. A surprise change in your philosophy of living aids you in this effort. 

Libra: September 23 - October 22

You find love amongst your coworkers, but don’t be so moved by this situation that you lose your bearings. This manifests particularly at home. As long as you stay rooted in your dwelling, you bounce along in your daily affairs while managing the challenges in your abode.   

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21 

You’re driven to act on a money matter right now, but this will leave you enslaved. Love is where it’s at. Release yourself to your most wild, decadent visions of romance. Instead of focusing on the materiality of money you instead transcend reality and find yourself freed. Otherwise you will descend into a hellish realm. 

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

You act impulsively on a risky, creative endeavor. This has you shooting from the hip and missing your mark. Step back and find your grounding. Stay rooted and without tension and you’ll hit where you’re aiming. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Instead of working on your house, get out of the house! You have a chance for a sweet, wine-induced love affair with a neighbor. That person has been looking good as of late, and there’s nothing stopping you. Though you can be the most structured of all the signs, letting go for a bit will do you some good. It’s even better that the tryst happens right around the corner. 

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Happy birthday! This year you are especially Aquarian, meaning you are futuristic, visionary, and not a little bit stubborn. But your values shift. You become more fluid, mystical, and loving. This will come as a surprise to you, but when you accept this change you will find it easily brings you the hidden treasure you’ve been seeking. 

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

There has been a lot of intense career activity for you over the past month. You do best when you practically juggle and spiritually accept your normative, fluid state of mind. There’s somebody who’s looking for a fight at work, but steering clear of this will help you truly advance your career. 

Thanks for reading. I’m Dan Beck, #1 Astrologer in New Orleans. Contact me for readings, parties, events, corporate trainings and more at or by calling 504-313-8706. This article was originally published in Ambush Magazine and has been edited for formatting purposes.

Happy New Year, Now Get Real

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You might not want to listen to the omens in the form of your horoscopes too closely. That is exactly what the famous Aztec king Moctezuma did, and it contributed to the collapse of an entire civilization. At the time unusual planetary phenomena were occurring, and this coincided with rare, unfortunate events such as the burning of sacred temples. These were fearfully interpreted as ominous signs. Out of self-interest the court astrologers tried to deny this, and it got them imprisoned. These negative prognostications were also coupled with the order fulfillment of a previously prophecized messiah coming to fruition in the arrival of the deadly Conquistador Cortes. This created a toxic cognitive dissonance in the head of Moctezuma and the culture at large. On one hand, it was the end times. On the other hand, they were being saved. Sound familiar? The Spanish invader Cortes was instead less concerned with divinatory messages from the Gods and privileged reality and the ruthless means required of an explorer to totally destroy his enemy. 

The same planetary configurations that occurred 500 years ago are similar to the ones happening right at the beginning of this new year. One might look to the past and believe it will replicate catastrophically. But unlike repeatable things such as electricity and flying planes, the future is largely unwritten and undetermined. Moctezuma relied so heavily on the stars that he became enslaved to them. The heavens were no match for the guns and germs of Cortes. Nevertheless the planets incline even if they don’t compel, so it is said. So what is the message that led the Aztecs to crumble but from which we may reasonably learn? Two words—GET REAL.

Aries: March 21 - April 19 

Your social life will light up in 2020. However, this will take some juggling with your career. I generally recommend keeping a healthy distance between work and friends as technology demands much interconnection that leads to the privileging of career. However in your case, the co-mingling is to your benefit. You also have a powerful chance to act on your non-movable finances such as retirement funds.  

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

You have a great career year this year. However, I would not recommend doing a ton of travel. You have good fortune enjoying yourself at home and in your local community. A relationship or partnership gets very intense, but through this you transform and make progress.

Gemini: May 21- June 20

You make great strides financially as long as you protect your own money. You may experience losses, though, through joint finances or investments. You can handle this as long as you stay flexible. You’ll look back and realize those hard changes happened for the better. 

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Continuing on from last year, you make gains personally, especially on a physical level. By mid-year the focus turns to your spirituality. What are the things you need to let go of in your life? When you let them go, you become free. 

Leo: July 23 - August 22

You’ll be happy to hear that by betting on yourself, you have good fortune this year. However, when the times are good, it is recommended you steer a more conservative course, especially in the area of health. Having daily discipline will help you acquire long term abundance. You’re also going to need this mindset for the career surprises that are in store for you. 

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Your creative endeavors are emphasized this year. Adopting a long term, conservative approach helps you field the massive changes that occur in how you express yourself. Hard, destructive change helps creativity even if it is difficult. On a lighter note, your health is good this year even if you do have a bit of a sweet tooth. 

Libra: September 23 - October 22

As you are the sign of balance and relationships, the Goddess Juno asks that you adjust your partnerships with coworkers and set appropriate boundaries. These are demagogues who are deceptive. One coworker in particular is swaying the emotions of the team and you’re going to need to protect yourself. Think about your own long term security as a guiding principle. 

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21 

You are extraordinarily powerful this year. You may even be intoxicated with your potency. However, this may lead to fights with coworkers. This is a chance to look at the pain points that are holding the team back. When those battles ensue, step back and look at the underlying causes of what is causing the friction. Then, use those insights to go for the impossible. 

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

You experience some losses financially this year, but you’re able to handle this as long as you approach your immediate, movable finances with the year ahead in mind. You actually triumph by the end of the year. A structured, nimble, conservative approach here is good. On the flip side, your investments do well through the first half of the year. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

You have a good year financially and succeed in a relationship. However, even with this good fortune, your thinking may be a bit unfocused and this could lead to some misfortune. As I wrote in the opening paragraphs, the theme of the year is GET REAL. This specifically applies to you, but some of this absentminded, dreamy thinking will give you great insights into the true nature of reality. 

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

This year you are the lover. This is wonderful as you are one of the most heady, intellectual, scientific signs of the zodiac. You’ll be surprised that you experience love and romance on the home front. The irony is that even though you are one of the most surprising, freedom-loving signs of the zodiac, you have trouble accepting disruption when you can’t control it. 

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

You’re due for some changes in your social networks this year. The strong bonds will hold and the fair weather friends will crumble away. Don’t fight this as it’s necessarily to have those around you who can help support your goals and wishes. You really make gains in romance, however, regardless of what happens with your friends. 

This article relies in part by an essay written by Bruce Scofield in the summer 2019 magazine Mountain Astrologer. This article was originally published in Ambush Magazine and has been edited for formatting and convenience.

Tis the Season of Turning Points

Original This article was originally published in Ambush Magazine.

As you’re reading this column your mind will be occupied by the goings on of the season. Religious rites coloring different times of the year find their footing in the seasons. For example the hopeful moment of the birth of Christ on the darkest day of the year finds expression in the cardinal turn of the winter solstice. Cardinal, turning points are the screws upon which the world and our lives spin. The Greek word tropos means turn and is the origin of the word tropical. Maybe you just need to get the hell out of town and go on a vacation! Western Astrology based on the tropical zodiac, the zodiac embodying the turning of the seasons, has something to say about this season and you might want to stick around. I believe the gift of this year is the gift of family. Regardless how far one wanders family ancestry is never far behind. Your deep emotional connection to past origins emerges and when you explore this terrain, you make gains. Family interactions bring up issues of identity because how you’re known to the world and how your aunt knows you are two very different things. You are likely to have more of a vested interest in the former. The trick is not to be stubborn about this. It is actually an opportune moment as tropos is also the root of the word opportune meaning this is where you can take bold action and triumph when the gift of family presents itself. This is not a material, conspicuous gift but a gift that gives personal gratification namely in the form of love and nurturance from irritating family members. Do not drink too much as you’ll find moderate sobriety provides the healing you’ve been seeking. When you’re given the chance to let go of your idealized self for the person your family knows you by, realize this is a gift in disguise even if it leads you straight into your grandmother pulling at your ear, gushing over just how much you’ve grown.   

Aries: March 21 - April 19 

More than any sign this season, you make gains with your family, especially your father or paternal-like energy. This is helpful for you but you have to let some past incidents go. You’ll find that by balancing some of the tension with family, the other sectors of your life light up.  

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Your family gets entangled with your romantic life and children. This is going to take a little bit of juggling as it’s ironically hard to find love amongst family drama and the needs of your kids. The “kids” can also be your creative projects or creative babies. Communication is key here and this is where you make gains. Protecting yourself regardless of the outcome and emphasizing your thoughts as opposed to deeply held beliefs.

Gemini: May 21- June 20

Don’t be afraid to look into the family finances this holiday season. Proceed with caution and diplomacy, but there are massive changes occurring in the structures of the wills being written. You’ll find that dealing with the demons of inheritances and family trusts provides you will some long term psychic relief while ultimately padding your own checkbook. 

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Siblings come to the fore for you this holiday season. You also make gains in relationships and friends, but you lose some partners along the way. This is surprising but choosing the company you keep allows you to progress personally.  

Leo: July 23 - August 22

You’re feeling a bit snooty about your money. This is related to your mother and her past sacrifices she made to get you where you are. However, the psychological challenge is to let this attitude go and receive the gift you’ve been given. Money is only as good as the current along which you spend it. Spend it wisely and don’t worry about its literal worth. 

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Out of all the signs, you yourself are most deeply connected with your family this season. This is very feminine, maternal, changeable energy that is related to your past. There are great gains to be made here amongst friends and family but only if you juggle these intense feelings and realize they are part of the larger picture as you move into the future. Let go of your criticisms and pretensions. 

Libra: September 23 - October 22

The male head of the family is strong this holiday season, and you do best to go with him. A rich, dark son will seek to overthrow him, and might succeed in doing so, but stick with the elder. He will need your help even though he might not realize it. Help this modern King Lear pick the right child this time around. 

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21  

You’re generally in a very powerful position through the end of the year into 2020 and then again in spring. Be careful though not to get in fights with coworkers or siblings during those respective times. You do best when you apply power judiciously. If you don’t, you end up scorching the path for all those around. 

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

You’re feeling very proud of your career, and so is your mother. However you believe in yourself so strongly that you don’t see the bigger picture of your finances. Glory is great, but cash is king. Make sure your thinking is clear about the realities of the money related to your work life or you might be headed for a wrong turn that grounds you out. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

For the next year, you’ll be juggling a lot of things as you bounce from one area of your life to the next, but this season, focus on the love that your family can give. This really provides something spiritually for you, and you might all even decide to take a trip together. If not, at least connect philosophy about what y’all believe and get to the core of who you really are as a family. 

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

It’s critical that you take your time during this holiday season. We can’t escape the time in which we inhabit in this dimension, and as Aquarius your head is usually in the future. Your father or paternal energy is reemphasized this season, and you do best to ground yourself out a bit, coming down to earth and putting your futuristic visions on hold. You’ll be surprised what happens when you get your head out of the clouds. 

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

This holiday season, you are able to make gains creatively, romantically, and with children. With friends, not so much. With things going so well, your partner feels a bit cocky. You do best not to get emotionally tied up with that feeling and let things going spiritually. When you let things go, magic happens.  

Astrology was originally understood as omens, prophecies, and oracles. Whenever you go to a psychic, tarot reader, or astrologer like me, you’re engaging with the possibilities of the future. But modern astrology is also the alignment of the heavens at your moment of birth that serves as the signature of your personality. This combination of your star chart and sun sign—Aries, Taurus, etc.—and the usage of that tool to divine the future is here for your taking. Astrology offers the LGBTQ community a chance to reclaim a space lost to modern science and religion. Ancient pagan cultures venerated divination and celebrated what we now recognize as modern gay elements. These horoscopes are for your entertainment, so let’s start the party that will take us to the stars!

There’s a Major Lunar Eclipse Coming Up. This is How You Can Harness It


There’s a major lunar eclipse set to occur on July 27that 4:21 PM EST, the largest such eclipse of the century. It will not be visible in the U.S, but it is most certainly happening. Much is being made about this eclipse, namely that it might be catastrophic, but I often choose to reflect upon the basic symbolism of an eclipse as a clue to how it might function, rather than engaging in doomsday scenarios. Ultimately, the symbolic resonance on your individual level is more important than world events coinciding with this eclipse. 

To interpret astrological symbolism, one must first analyze what is happening astronomically. A solar eclipse is when the moon moves exactly between the sun and the earth. A lunar eclipse is when the earth’s shadow created by the sun eclipses the moon. The latter is what we will be experiencing. 

I’ve always felt that a solar eclipse places the primacy of the moon above the sun; simply put, it is the moon blocking the sun, and traditionally, the moon has been the feminine body of spirit, nurturance, personality, and what one needs. Thus, in a solar eclipse, the moon asserts herself. However, this eclipse will favor the sun, the planetary body of driving will, purpose, ego, and the compulsive force of one’s life. So how will this eclipse pan out?

Each planetary body, at any moment, occupies a sign and takes on its garb and character. For example, in this eclipse, the sun will be in Leo, its preferred, regal home, radiating the warmth of the lion. The moon will be in the opposite sign of cold, technological, yet social Aquarius. This immediately sets up a polarization of dramatic self-expression (Sun in Leo) with emotional futurism (Moon is in Aquarius). A lunar eclipse is the sun opposed to the moon. The lunar nodes are always at play in an eclipse, lining up with both the sun and the moon, and the south node, or your past karma, happens to be in company with this moon. The north node, or karmic future, happens to be conjoined with the sun. Also in close company with the moon is fiery, aggressive Mars.

I interpret this south node as future visions that have not come to pass and hopes that may never come to materialize, yet you still may want to fight for. This could happen in the space of social media and the realm of communications, but moves in this direction, though you may be tempted, are ill-advised. Past karma is where do best to hang and ruminate, not move. It’s the caboose of the train or the tail of the dragon—along for the ride.

Alternately, the north node, or head of the dragon, is situated in Leo with the Sun, a more fortunate position. You are favored when you express, an apt word for Leo, your golden, royal, dramatic self rather than the heady, cold, moon and south node in Aquarius also coupled with  driving Mars that can potentially cause trouble. 

There is a final option for you—that of the belly of the dragon, between the fire breathing north node and the tail of the south node. Instead of acting, be aware of the motives of others, and adjust—Scorpio;  and, take ownership of that which you value—Taurus. Those are the two signs that sit in the middle of the eclipse, splitting the difference between fiery self-expression and cold, calculated futurism. The choice is yours as long as you submit to a negotiation with the heavens, neither fearing fate, nor challenging destiny.  

How can you harness this eclipse and other celestial phenomena? Book an Inner Makeup session to find out.

The Most Disruptive Week Since the 30's

Moon Messages Week of May 14, 2018

Most astrology focuses on the Sun—Your Will and Purpose

But what about the Moon?

The Moon is the Embodiment of Communication, Emotion, and Spirit

The Goddess

Opposite God

What is the Moon’s Message to You?

That is the Will and Purpose of This Column

Published Every Monday, which means Moon Day

This is a momentous week in the heavens, as the new, invisible, moon situates herself in her favorite sign of Taurus, providing optimal conditions to build and grow the great materials that spring from the earth. Also, Uranus, the great awakener and disruptor, moves into Taurus, a grounded state he might not immediately relish but that could be beneficial. Uranus is the sky God, birthed from Gaia, the earth, but through the family lineage of the Gods has come down to unleash the fire of creativity upon humankind through Promethean spirit. You may experience massive, earthly disruption when Uranus takes on the garb of Taurus, but if you can adjust, this is one of the most powerful times for your potential as an individual. In fact, this type of configuration has not occurred since the mid-thirties. Be forewarned, however, that the disruptive power of Uranus can be catastrophic. The power of Taurus and Cancer will be required, especially through Venus as she moves into that protective sign next week. The word tenor comes to mind, meaning “to hold”, and heroic, physical acts such as a great, operatic tenor holding onto a climatic high note is the spirit of the next week. 

Aries, Born 3/21-4/19: You’re set to experience some massive changes in your money, possessions, and what you value. The key is to own this and not impulsively react to external circumstances. 

Taurus, Born 4/20-5/20: You are set to experience massive changes this week to who you are, your will, and purpose. Do what you do best and take ownership of how you will build upon this, and put your mind toward harnessing this disruptive energy.

Gemini, Born 5/21-6/20: Your normative state of being is to be curious, communicative, and aware, but the heavens will throw you some massive curves this week, manifesting through your emotions and dreams. You do best to sit back and process these quakes and then move forward in your extroverted, communicative manner.

Cancer, Born 6/21-7/22: You may experience disruption with your friends and social networks. The best way to approach this is to reboot and slowly supplant the social networks that feed your soul. 

Leo, Born 7/23-8/22: Taking ownership of your career, especially on a monthly time schedule, is the way for you to go. Though this may be a different pace for you, Leo, preferring to shine in the moment, this disruptive approach will pay dividends down the road.

Virgo, Born 8/23-9/22: Though not as obviously spiritual as your opposite, Pisces, you are the virgin who births great, pure things. There is set to be a great awakening in your belief system and knowledge base, and you are the one who will expand, cyclically, in your individual, revolutionary approach.

Libra, Born 9/23-10/22: Though you like to see all sides of an argument, you must take ownership of the carnal motivations of others. The heavens will force you to evaluate what the role of others are in your life and make some hard decisions with regard to them.

Scorpio, Born 10/23-11/21: There is a real opportunity for you to take ownership of the relationships in your life, and not in your carnal, furtive way. Yes, you can own the pleasures the world has to give without having to control or manipulate others. But this can take a little more time than you’re used to. 

Sagittarius, Born 11/22-12/21: You’re set to experience some disruption in your working conditions and even health. You do best not to charge ahead but rather sit and take ownership of your unfolding situation. 

Capricorn, Born 12/22-1/19: Though there has been a driving impulse towards your ambition and status, your normative mode, you have a real opportunity to express yourself creatively. This energy will be less driving and climbing and more emotive and internal, a welcome change for your state of mind. 

Aquarius, Born 1/20-2/18:You are set to experience disruption in your home life even though home is not necessarily your favorite place to be. Though your head is in the future, you need to have a home base, so you do best to put your mind towards defining your home space.

Pisces, Born 2/19-3/20: Being grounded, purposeful, and taking ownership in your communication will takes your far if you are open to expressing yourself this way. Your magic will take care of the rest. 

I’m Dan Beck, a spiritual consultant and astrologer based in New Orleans, LA, and I provide a variety of offerings for your spiritual longings. To book an appointment or select one of my offerings, click here.

Choosing Venus, and the Waning Moon

Moon Messages Week of May 7, 2018


Most astrology focuses on the Sun—Your Will and Purpose

But what about the Moon?


The Moon is the Embodiment of Communication, Emotion, and Spirit

The Goddess

Opposite God


What is the Moon’s Message to You?

That is the Will and Purpose of This Column

Published Every Monday, which means Moon Day

As the beautiful days of Taurus have begun their denouement, so is the moon waning. This is not necessarily an easy wane, as the moon looks toward the future while letting go of the past, starting off the week inhabiting the sign of visionary Aquarius. What are you to do? Inquire, especially with others whom you find wondrous and beautiful, about what the coming months hold for you. Your questions and curiosity take on a child-like tone as sociable Venus wears the energy of extroverted, playful Gemini, and this is a better approach than joining with war-mongering Mars. Be a child who drops the toy that no longer holds his attention, and you will move forward triumphantly. 

Aries, Born 3/21-4/19: Relating to others is not necessarily your forte, but reach out and let others do your pioneering work for you. 

Taurus, Born 4/20-5/20: Past failures don’t have to indicate future gains, especially with regard to your status and career. Become a child as you playfully envision what the future may hold.

Gemini, Born 5/21-6/20: The wonderful benefic planet Venus is in your sign, and the moon beautifully aspects her, so there’s no limit to your love and social life.

Cancer, Born 6/21-7/22: Confronting your thoughts and feelings about love and relationships may not be easy, but when you bring them to light, you become a master of the social arena. 

Leo, Born 7/23-8/22: You’re desperate to move forward but, your past seems to be holding you back with regard to your future plans. Don’t worry about the past as it’s already behind you.

Virgo, Born 8/23-9/22: You’re feeling your past especially as it relates to health and working conditions. Your future is not wedded to the past but rather your dramatic motion forwards, even if it’s a dream unbeknownst to you. 

Libra, Born 9/23-10/22: You’re feeling the past especially as it relates to your creative offspring. Even though this is where your emotions are, try to get outside of them and be curious about how the higher realms of thought and spirit can take you to your next destination. 

Scorpio, Born 10/23-11/21: Your thoughts are dedicated to how you can place the structures to support your ambition and success, but take a moment to remember the past as you move forward, lest you sting someone else and cause your own demise. 

Sagittarius, Born 11/22-12/21: Your thoughts and feelings are dominated by the past, but you’re moving towards a higher, more knowledge-driven future. This will take some dramatic expression on your part, as opposed to your usual blunt, seeking movements.

Capricorn, Born 12/22-1/19: There may be some money troubles, but money comes in the form of values. When you decide what really matters for you, your past money troubles will lead to future gains. 

Aquarius, Born 1/20-2/18:Though you desperately want to move to the future, as Aquarius is the sign of the future, you’re feeling the weight of the past. A warm, golden lover will help, if you’re open to the drama of a relationship. 

Pisces, Born 2/19-3/20: You may have some unresolved issues regarding past ideals for your future. You must honor these feelings, or they could be your undoing. 

I’m Dan Beck, a spiritual consultant and astrologer based in New Orleans, LA, and I provide a variety of offerings for your spiritual longings. To book an appointment or select one of my offerings, click here.

Mourning the Seeds Who Won't Make It


Moon Messages Week of April 9, 2018


Most astrology focuses on the Sun—Your Will and Purpose

But what about the Moon?


The Moon is the Embodiment of Communication, Emotion, and Spirit

The Goddess

Opposite God


What is the Moon’s Message to You?

That is the Will and Purpose of This Column

Published Every Monday, which means Moon Day

You’ve experienced the beginnings of spring with its violent burst towards brighter days, but with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The moon wanes back towards her invisible state, a recapitulation in the declamatory, initiating sign of Aries, but asks that you, as with every moon cycle, discard what has outlived its time here and mourn the seeds who won’t succeed. You are asked to look back as you envision the future that is not quite upon you.

Aries, Born 3/21-4/19:  The moon is shifting through your house of friends, hopes, and wishes, and the house of dreams and self-undoing. Take some time to open up amongst your various social networks this week, repairing your ship, as you can’t always be firing away at the helm.

Taurus, Born 4/20-5/20: What isn’t working for you in your career? The answer to that question is the key to a new, earthly flowering in your public status you never dreamed possible.

Gemini, Born 5/21-6/20: The heavens are asking you to think a bit more seriously about your future, as the past has led you to this point. Looking back will give you a clue to the type of career direction you want to achieve down the road.

Cancer, Born 6/21-7/22: Some dark, carnal feelings about your social life may bubble up this week. Allow yourself to feel these emotions, as you are the most feeling sign, and let them guide you to some mystical new directions amongst a variety of friends and social networks.

Leo, Born 7/23-8/22: Your karmic future looks golden, as you are the royal sign of the zodiac, but you must take care to nurture yourself, your social networks, and your partnerships or you’ll find yourself a despot alone.

Virgo, Born 8/23-9/22: Work can kill you, dear Virgo, so take a hard look at what hasn’t worked for you in the past and make sure not to repeat it in the future. If you reach out and ask for help, you shall receive instead of giving.

Libra, Born 9/23-10/22: Though you’re used to the gifts coming to weigh upon your scales, what hasn’t worked in your romantic life in the past? Though you are an air sign, there is energy to release the past and light your love life on fire this week, but only if you step down from your judge’s perch.

Scorpio, Born 10/23-11/21: You may be feeling a lack of security this week, especially with regard to your home and family life. You do best to honor these past feelings and allow them to lovingly propel you into the future.

Sagittarius, Born 11/22-12/21: Though you are the knowledgeable believer of the zodiac, you may be reconsidering this week how your beliefs have misfired in the past, especially with regard to communicating amongst others. No matter, you’ll be able to start fresh with the new moon later in the week and with Mercury moving out of retrograde next week as well.

Capricorn, Born 12/22-1/19: Some past issues with money might come up this week. You may have to turn to siblings and family, but if you’re honest with what’s gone wrong, they will help.

Aquarius, Born 1/20-2/18: It’s about you, the past, and the future this week. How can you combine different states of time? Leave it to you, Aquarius, to envision a totally new paradigm, but only if you feel it into existence. 

Pisces, Born 2/19-3/20: You have to be careful, Pisces, that the past doesn’t undo you this week. Make sure to dot all the I’s and cross all the t’s, especially those that you may have missed, and you’ll make it through.

I’m Dan Beck, a spiritual consultant and astrologer based in New Orleans, LA, and I provide a variety of offerings for your spiritual longings. To continue this thread of text and spirit, click here.

A New Moon, A New Year

Celebrating the Vietnamese Lunar New Year with the Dragon at Boomtown Casino in Harvey, LA

Most astrology focuses on the Sun—Your Will and Purpose

But what about the Moon?


The Moon is the Embodiment of Communication, Emotion, and Spirit

The Goddess

Opposite God


What is the Moon’s Message to You?

That is the Will and Purpose of This Column

Published Every Monday—Moon Day


This week is really the beginning of 2018. After coming down from the massive Super Moon at the beginning of this year, this new moon in the serious sign of Capricorn, along with five other planetary bodies, signals a year of structure-seeking, slow, and steady success. Down the street from me, there is a Vietnamese Lunar New Year’s celebration happening, ringing in the year of the Dog. The Dog is quite different from the Goat, less serious and more fun-loving, and that is the Dog’s fall in Vietnamese folklore. But the combination of the two will yield massive success for you in 2018, a care free attitude combined with sober planning, execution, and discipline. Today is also the birthday of Martin Luther King, the greatest leader to come from the United States. I was fortunate enough to hear Coretta Scott King speak at my alma mater, New England Conservatory, as I played for the commencement ceremonies my junior year. She spoke of her courtship with her husband, feeling blessed that they were called to Montgomery, Alabama, to protest in the bus boycott, and hoped that speaking at New England Conservatory would inspire her to get back into singing. She was a beautiful, self-possessed, earthly Taurus, the best manifestation of that sign and spirit, and her husband, Martin Luther King, was Capricorn, the greatest expression of ambition and success.  


Aries: 2018 could shape up to be a huge year for your career, but you must pace yourself. Place reasonable checks on your hard-driving nature, and the stars will take care of the rest.


Taurus: 2018 can be the year where you rise above the pleasures of the earth which you hold so dear. The roots that hold you in place have the ability to transport you to the heavens, and other realms of travel and knowing, if you’d only climb the beanstalk.


Gemini: 2018 will be the year where you dive into the deep, dark recesses of your soul, and make great gains. Integrating and placing structure around the rejected parts of your psyche, not your preferred domain, will prevent you from flying too high in the sky and being burned by the sun.


Cancer: 2018 will put an inordinate amount of emphasis on other individuals, relationships, and partnerships of all kinds. But remember who you are, Cancer, and never forget that love and home are the domains where you triumph.


Leo: 2018 will be the year where you put your warmth and creativity to work for you, but not without some balancing and adjusting. You succeed when you nurture yourself, the sculptor and objet d’art, working in tandem, a singular act of love and creation.


Virgo: 2018 is the year where you can truly do what you love and love what you do. Work and service are your hallmarks, but they won’t be mutually exclusive from what you love doing, and in turn, your own personal success.


Libra: 2018 will be the year of your family and home base. You’re so used to juggling and judging that which the universe throws at you that you lose the anchor of your home. No matter, as you’ll have it this year, as long as you make the necessary judgments with regard to people, places, and things that don’t nurture your home base.


Scorpio: 2018 will be the year of communication, short trips, and siblings. These aren’t necessarily the natural fields in which you play, but place some structure around these areas in your life and see how a little light-hearted, playful communication can lift you up.


Sagittarius: 2018 can be a great year for you, if you harness your fire. Remember, Apollo drove Helios’ sun, and the next sign over, Capricorn, asks you to put the reigns on your exuberance and optimism. Cautious optimism is always better than unbridled optimism.


Capricorn: 2018 and the next several years really are your years with so much planetary activity in your sign. Appreciate and be grateful for the gifts, but don’t let it get to your head, as your ambitious, success-seeking nature can do.


Aquarius: 2018 will be a year, ironically, about the past. Dredging up past karma and shedding light on the unconscious motivations that drive your present will lead you to the future visions you hold so dear.


Pisces: 2018 will be a year for succeeding, but in an unconventional way. If you get yourself organized, you will have much success with friends, larger social organizations, and even the wishes you dare to make, but only if you find some suitable, structured channels in which to swim, as a lone fish and with your school.


I’m Dan Beck, an astrologer and writer based in New Orleans, LA. To personally explore the Moon’s Messages and other spiritual themes, book an Inner Makeup session by calling 504-313-8706 or e-mailing



A Crisis Most Welcome

Image from

Most astrology focuses on the Sun—Your Will and Purpose

But what about the Moon?


The Moon is the Embodiment of Communication, Emotion, and Spirit

The Goddess

Opposite God


What is the Moon’s Message to You?

That is the Will and Purpose of This Column

Published Every Monday—Moon Day


This week is destined to be anticlimactic as the moon is coming down from her massive, full, super culmination, the largest of the year. Yet that doesn’t mean this week will be uneventful, as the moon suggests you revisit, through a potential crisis of consciousness midweek, that which needs to be shed in order to make room for a fresh start in the form of the new moon next week. Then you will really get looking to your future, and your north star.

Aries: Not necessarily known for your ability to make dramatic change, invest in that type of energy this week, and dispense with everything that is uncritical. Your proverbial masthead can’t afford the extra weight.

Taurus: Content to let the seekers come your way by evidence of your enviable largesse, you’ll want to reevaluate the relationships in your life this week, and make necessary adjustments by dispensing with the bottom feeders.

Gemini: Even though this could be a treacherous week for you regarding your love life and creative world, your crisis is actually your wrong turn gone right. You’ll be surprised by the partnerships that can emerge if you just get out of your head a bit and open up to them.

Cancer: Though holding on is your MO, you're going to want to make some hard changes, especially in the realm of your family life. This opens you up to the creative space in which you’ve been wanting to relish.

Leo: Ever the golden child, this week may throw you off a bit. However, take a chance to express how you feel, good and bad, and be surprised by how far your lion’s heart can take you.

Virgo: If you’re having money troubles, or even troubles around what you value with regard to your time and money, let those feelings come to the fore. They’re probably truer than you think, and will be the key to you making positive change in your financial and “time spent” world.

Libra: This could be an usually moody week for you, even though you like to keep your head above the fray. Emotions and passions matter, though, and listen to what your shadow self has been dying to tell you, and then act on it.

Scorpio: This week is in your wheelhouse, Scorpio, as it is dark and prepping for sudden change. Don’t go overboard, though, as your love of stinging is perennially your undoing.

Sagittarius: This week could be especially difficult for you, Sagittarius, as you are ever the optimist. However, it can’t always be seashells and balloons, and a little bit of contraction will do you good.

Capricorn: This week is a homestretch for you, as the moon wanes towards new in you, Capricorn. There is much Capricornian energy in the air as of late, so continue with your plodding ways, brick by brick, and nobody can stop you.

Aquarius: You may enjoy a little bit of the chaos this week as long as you keep your rigid, futuristic wits about yourself. Believe it or not, what’s happening in the present can be just as instructive as what you know will happen in the future.

Pisces: If you act on your never ending supply of dreams, magic, your forte, will happen. But you must put the structure in place to harness the magic or else, as magic usually does, it disappears.

I’m Dan Beck, a writer and astrologer based in New Orleans, LA, where I work live and work out of a former Masonic Temple. To discuss the themes written above, and more, book a session by calling 504-313-8706 or e-mailing


The New Darkness of Jupiter

Gustav Holst's Jupiter from The Planets

Hip, Hip, Hooray! Jupiter, the planet of optimism, expansion, knowledge, and luck, has moved into…Scorpio. At first glance, this seems like odd territory for such a grandiose, buoyant planet to find itself, Scorpio being the sign of darkness, sexuality, death, power, and intuition, but I’m optimistic for Jupiter’s transit through the sign of Scorpio this coming year.

Signs are how things happen, coloring planets and points, so Jupiter entering the sign of Scorpio means this usually upbeat, glass half full, largest planet will take on a darker, more intuitive, controlling, secretive demeanor over the next year. What does this mean for you? Scorpio is ruled by the planets Mars and Pluto, power planets that control war, physicality, and all aggressive action; and, the secretive, unseen, crystalline underworld dimensions, respectively. Jupiter always encourages you, gleefully, to expand, learn, and gallop forward, but this year, Jupiter being in Scorpio will demand, viscerally, that you make the hard, necessary changes required for you to truly rise. This is the terrain, to use Freudian language, of the Id. What is your body demanding of you that you’re not giving it? Denying your body and mind what it wants creates cognitive dissonance with the other parts of your psyche. Not all desires and wants should be acted upon, but they must be at the minimum considered, acknowledged, and dealt with to relieve tension. Acknowledging this darker, hidden part of yourself will allow your deepest, truest desires to emerge and subsequently to be grappled with. In fact, though these desires might be necessarily rejected by the ego after years of conditioning maintained through the superego, to use more Freudian language, they are in fact screaming out for love.

One of the most moving images recently to come through our computers is the image of Pluto’s broken heart, the modern ruler of Scorpio. All Pluto asks is that you deal with the depths of your soul and make the hard, necessary changes that need to be made to live the life you truly want, the big, expansive, Jupiterian life. But all too often you discard these instinctual feelings to do “the right thing” or what you think you “should be doing.”

Pluto's moving broken heart.

Fear not! Jupiter is here for the next year, and matters that are traditionally the harsh terrain of Scorpio, namely sex, death, inheritance, other people’s money and motivations, and investments, will be much easier this coming year if you heed the lesson of Jupiter and have a positive mindset, all while keeping the aggressive and controlling energy of Scorpio in mind and in check. What does this mean throughout the signs? Read on below.


Aries: This is an extremely powerful transit for you, as Jupiter will be transiting through your sector ruling sex, other people’s money, and transformations. As an already physical sign, being the ram, you might be so exuberant that you run yourself into the ground, one of your natural inclinations as an Aries. But Jupiter transiting through your eighth house, the natural house of Scorpio, asks you to stop and think about your pulsing, physical undulations and where they are perpetually leading you, but, ponder where you really, truly, deeply want to go and not simply act on physical impulse.


Taurus: Jupiter moving into Scorpio is a great chance for you to put your earthly, Taurean pleasures and gifts towards relations with partners, whether in business or marriage, and even adversaries. Taurus, you are gifted with the roots and flowers of the earth, and are often content within yourself. While this can be good, too much solipsism will drop the value of your possessions and materials, so put your value to work in relation to others and see yourself expand greatly.


Gemini: This is interesting, as it usually is with you, curious, communicative Gemini. All about flying and ideas, Jupiter in Scorpio in your work and service area this year asks you to apply, somewhat more soberly, all your flighty machinations. This may take some discipline, but your work will pay off dearly.


Cancer: Usually content to emote and feel from within, Jupiter asks you to express and dramatize your gifts of feeling and emotion this year. You don’t have to give up your self-protection and care, but if you’re being honest, you do want others to hear your song, and they want to hear it too, so invite them into your fold.


Leo: Usually you are the great, warm, dramatist, but Jupiter asks you to devote some more time at home this year and with family. Without a home base, all your creative, golden, warmth won’t mean as much if you don’t take care of your family and home sector of your chart. Plus, you have a big heart anyways, so give it to those who matter most.


Virgo: Heady Virgo, you can drop the analysis and burdens this year. You needn’t worry, rather put all that you’ve reaped, analyzed, and organized into action through commerce and communication. Open yourself up to where the work you slave over could take you, and Jupiter will help get you there, but you need to watch your martyrdom complex if you desire to expand and grow.


Libra: Jupiter just left your sign, but this is not a bad thing. The past year has been about making judgments and balancing the fruits that have come your way. Now the chips are down, and it’s time to possess that which you truly value and take only what’s necessarily. You’ll find it’s all you ever wanted in the first place instead of endlessly deliberating over what you think you may want.


Scorpio: Bam! This is a very powerful year for you, not unlike Aries, with whom you share a rulership in Mars. As harnessing and controlling your power is a perpetual issue for you, Jupiter can help, ironically, tame you, as you step into your power in more expansive, joyous modalities. It doesn’t all have to be darkness, doom, and gloom.


Sagittarius: One might be tempted to say that Jupiter in your house of dreams and the unconscious plane is a bad thing, but this may be an area for you that is yet untapped. Your ruler is Jupiter, and your MO is to know and seek, so allowing some unexpected unknowns to fortuitously appear will do you well. In other words, joyously embrace the mystery!


Capricorn: Jupiter moves through your house of friends, hopes, wishes, and larger groups. Here is a chance for you to get outside of your self-oriented, success driven nature and get out amongst the multitudes. It can’t be all work and no play, and you’ll be surprised how your new social networks and friends in fact drive and help your career from unexpected places.


Aquarius: While your futuristic visions are the necessary idealism we all in the greater society require, you do well during Jupiter’s visit to your area of career and public recognition to work on yourself and a more conservative path forward, a slow ascent to greater success rather than relying on the visions that live with your head in the clouds.


Pisces: Jupiter is your original ancient ruler, but this coming year, Jupiter visits your area of learning, knowledge, and travel. Usually content to live in your watery, dreamy, formless world, try to attain some hard knowledge with Jupiter this time around. Take a class, write, and/or go on an educational expedition rather than relying on more esoteric forms of knowing that are your natural realms.


Dan is a spiritual consultant, astrologer, and writer based out of New Orleans, LA. To explore the themes expressed above in your own spirit, and more, book an appointment by writing to or calling 504-313-8706.