
Master Your Circumstances, Master Your Destiny

Original Link for photo. This article appeared originally in Ambush Magazine.

You’re experiencing something you’ve never experienced before—forced social isolation. The cycles that have largely governed your life—going to work, visiting family, and hanging out with friends—are temporarily paused with no clear end in sight. As an astrologer, I’m being asked, “What do the heavens have to say about all this?” While it’s true that one can see events here on earth reflected in the sky—as above, so below—there is another way to use the tool of astrology, namely that the stars are a human expression of what is within us. This means that instead of understanding reality as something objective, we can understand it as an active relationship with the cosmos. This has profound implications and yields practical, applicable solutions, the most pressing of which concerns how you will approach your daily activities in light of an unexpected and cataclysmically disruptive event.

So what are you to do? Amor Towles through his novel A Gentleman in Moscow, which can be purchased below, gifts us a helpful maxim through the Grand Duke’s advice to the Count Rostov: when the Count’s parents succumbed to cholera…it was the Grand Duke who took the young Count aside and explained he must be strong…adversity presents itself in many forms; and that if a man does not master his circumstances then he is bound to be mastered by them. Put another way, if you can master your circumstances, you can master your destiny. I was gifted that latter maxim from my friend and colleague Tracie Storey, a former DJ who now practices Vibrational Sound and Colour Therapy while also using a myriad of spiritual techniques. Read on to see how each astrology sign can best adapt to this trying situation. 

Aries: March 21 - April 19 

You are the first sign of the zodiac and the most viscerally powerful. This power exists on a physical level. You are going to need to release this energy through exercise, and you probably already know this. However, where the real adjustment comes in is combining your pioneering, individualistic spirit with the logic required to organize yourself in a practical, daily routine.  

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

You may relish this opportunity to be grounded at home as you are the most earthly sign and also concerned with immediate environments. Certainly enjoy this time, but make sure to take care of the most significant partner in your life. This will help you in your own daily activities and give you the gift of harmony. Love will emerge here as Venus oversees both of the signs involved. 

Gemini: May 21- June 20

One of the struggles as the great communicator of the zodiac will be your lack of immediate ability to exchange ideas with those around you. A way you will need to shift your thinking is to focus on the business of things, and this means taking out the trash. Your flurry of thoughts turns into materials, too many, and this is a good time to purge. This will help your bottom line. 

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

As the homebody of the zodiac you’re primed to settle into your natural habitat. One thing you will have to work on is the greater emphasis on the technology that will be surrounding you. If you put your mind to the future and how you must discipline yourself  to get there, you will succeed mightily. You’ll be tempted to get distracted by all the screens so make sure to envision the devices around you as tools, not comfort food. 

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Self-expression and dramatic flourishes are the natural in Leo. However, this quarantine is a symbolic message to tone things down. Setting up structure in your life that is more stoic and conservative will stand you in good stead. Giving yourself boundaries will allow you more freedom to do all things Leo that you love. 

Virgo: August 23 - September 22 

As the most heady sign of the zodiac, you’ll be the most at risk to go stir crazy. You’ll want to make sure everything around you is perfect, and you just might make it so. However, your best is to get outside. Virgo is the virgin who collects the bounty of the harvest, thus you have a unique relationship with nature. Enjoy the birds, flowers, and trees, and reap the rewards of your discriminating taste towards the outdoors.   

Libra: September 23 - October 22

This is the time to get spiritual. Envision this situation as if you were trapped in a nunnery. You have one of the most formidable minds in the zodiac, living up to F. Scott Fitzgerald’s ideal of being able to hold two opposing ideas at the same time. However, for you, daily ritual and meditative suspension of your cognitive faculties will help you deal with this pandemic. 

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21 

This is not the time to sit back and furtively observe the fracas that is in the news and society at large. Lead yourself, daily, and cast off into projects that fulfill you on a selfish level. You are so easily bonded to others that you lose yourself in the lives of others. You forget that you have such treasures to offer, perhaps the most of the zodiac, so get to work and bring your jewels to the world that so desperately needs your help.  

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21 

As the most expansive sign of the zodiac, you’re going to want to go off into the ethers, literally or figuratively. But being grounded out, as the world and corona virus is demanding, is the way to go. Enjoying the simple pleasures that your immediate surrounding has to offer will sate your desire to go to the ends of the earth. You’ll find that once you acknowledge the part of your nature that wants to go far, and release it for now, you wake up and smell the flowers. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

You’re the most ambitious, serious sign of the zodiac, and thankfully so. Without Capricorns, we would not have the structures of society that hold us together. However, while you mind is on all of that, especially given the current predicament, you’re going to need to have fun. Games and the quick exchange of ideas will lighten the load you’re carrying right now. 

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

You’re generally going to be happy at home, save for the social isolation. What I mean by that is you’ll naturally transition some of your outer world social activities to social media. However, there is a downside to this. Social media, though a good tool, can be a poor substitute for true, in person social interaction. The key will be turning to family, and then you’ll receive the emotional nurturance you need. 

Pisces: February 19 - March 20 

You run the risk of getting washed out at home, possibly drifting into a dream world of your own making. The best way to counteract this is to put these dreams into reality by engaging in expressive activities. These is a deep reservoir of creativity to which you uniquely have access. Don’t let these esoteric, intuitive materials go to waste.

Thanks for reading. I’m Dan Beck, #1 Astrologer in New Orleans. Contact me for readings at dan@innermakeup.net or by calling 504-313-8706. Visit http://www.innermakeup.net/contact-me 

First Horoscopes in 2020

Original Link: https://tinyurl.com/slgldsf

Once upon a time, humans engaged with the possibilities of the future through omens, prophecies, and oracles. The art of astrology evolved out of these practices and now emphasizes your moment of birth, the celestial reflection of who you are. This combination of your birth chart and the usage of that document to divine the past, present, and future is here for your taking. Astrology offers the LGBTQ community a chance to reclaim a space lost to modern science and religion. Ancient pagan cultures venerated divination and celebrated what we now recognize as modern gay elements. These horoscopes are for your entertainment, so let’s start the party that will take us to the stars!


The most important astrological events of the beginning of 2020 are the lunar eclipse and the coming together of Saturn and Pluto. They don’t literally bump into each other in space but do appear next to each other from the vantage point of earth, although Pluto is not visible. Saturn is the Roman equivalent of Chronos, father time, and Pluto is the equivalent of the Greek God Hades, Lord of the Underworld. Around two millennia ago the concepts of the Gods became embodied in the planets, a move that formalized spirit into planetary form. Now we view the movements of the stars and planetary bodies as a clock through which we can understand ourselves in relation to the universe. 

But what specifically can these astronomical phenomena tell us about ourselves and the events yet to come? I believe it is the heralding of the death of cold, calculating ambition in favor of the structures that truly serve ourselves and each other. Too often are ambition and success treated as God. This eclipse and Saturn and Pluto coming together indicate the letting go of that striving part of ourselves while maintaining the security that ambition and structure grant. Family and friends are where we make karmic gains giving further credence to the old saying, “it’s lonely on top.” 

There are more images than ever flooding the screens before us, appropriating true human connection that gives deep gratification. These images are blinding and chaotic but lead us, if we are attuned, to the reality that why each of us is trying to triumph is because deep down we seek love. 

Aries: March 21 - April 19 

You take up arms for your beliefs this year. Understand these ideas take on a rebellious nature. You will probably engage in some battles. Choose your fights wisely, and make sure you enlist a mentor who has learned to tame his demons in the service of wisdom worth fighting for. 

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

You have a stupendous social year this year. You attend many social gatherings where the food and drink are excellent. However, this can only happen if you don’t think too conservatively about yourself. Getting out and having fun might not seem important but in fact it is the key to your success.

Gemini: May 21- June 20

The structuring of your investments come to the fore this year. Some of the conservative moves you have made will do you well, but others will topple. You will need to discern which is which. The way to go is to see this as a juggling act with long term rewards and value what gives you psychic relief above all else. 

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

I’ve been writing about this for a while but the karmic gains you’ve hopefully made come to a culmination through this eclipse. You will feel the effects of this through the first half of the year. This has to do with you personally. Relationship wise you’re due for some change, and when you open your mind to balancing relationship and self, you achieve more than you thought possible. 

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Your daily life has taken on a very ambitious tone in recent months. You have a lot of pots on the stove and have big plans. But how do you feel about all of this? If you don’t process your emotions and protect yourself, it will be your undoing. 

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Ever the worker bee, you have been loving your work more recently. You are also very determined to succeed creatively. However you truly make gains amongst the friends and social networks that nourish you. There you can really confide in others your hopes and wishes and allow spirit to help make them come true. 

Libra: September 23 - October 22

This year, like Taurus, you also have a great social life. However there is a subtle difference. You bring some insights that you’ve gained recently to the larger group. Ultimately the lessons you learn individually are best expressed to a wider group. Otherwise, that wisdom exists in a vacuum. And because you’re Libra, it is your will to relate to others.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21 

Your pocketbook grows this year, but only if you take some calculated risks. Lean on a wise mentor who took some risks and at some point and suffered the slings and arrows. You’ll be able to avoid those same mistakes but make great gains in the process. You’ll also be put in a position to give back some of the wealth you’ll accrue.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

You’re on fire this year, even more so than usual. Watch out that you don’t burn yourself out. Your mind and body are in a compulsively aggressive state. A good way to burn off this energy, and make psychic gains, is in the bedroom. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

More than any sign, you’re the planetary star of the zodiac this year. With so much emphasis on yourself, you’ll need to rely on a relationship or partnership to nourish you emotionally. Too much focus on the self will have you crippled. You make gains when you put yourself in a state of mind of letting things go that you can’t control. 

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

This started last month, but you have gotten into a loving mood. This is wonderful. The trick is to put this energy into your daily life. It can be hard to see, but how do the daily pleasures in life bring you love? When you open up to this, you value the things that matter more than the sheer brute force of materiality. 

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

This eclipse screams romance for you. Though your emphasis in the coming year will be on friends, you have to make sure romance and creative expression don’t get washed out. In fact it’s being washed away that will lead you to a mad romance that will do you well. Just make sure to protect yourself along the way.

Thanks for reading. I’m Dan Beck, #1 Astrologer in New Orleans. Contact me for readings, parties, events, corporate trainings and more at dan@innermakeup.net or by calling 504-313-8706. Visit http://www.innermakeup.net

Happy New Year, Now Get Real

Original link from bustle.com https://tinyurl.com/v35xzd8.

You might not want to listen to the omens in the form of your horoscopes too closely. That is exactly what the famous Aztec king Moctezuma did, and it contributed to the collapse of an entire civilization. At the time unusual planetary phenomena were occurring, and this coincided with rare, unfortunate events such as the burning of sacred temples. These were fearfully interpreted as ominous signs. Out of self-interest the court astrologers tried to deny this, and it got them imprisoned. These negative prognostications were also coupled with the order fulfillment of a previously prophecized messiah coming to fruition in the arrival of the deadly Conquistador Cortes. This created a toxic cognitive dissonance in the head of Moctezuma and the culture at large. On one hand, it was the end times. On the other hand, they were being saved. Sound familiar? The Spanish invader Cortes was instead less concerned with divinatory messages from the Gods and privileged reality and the ruthless means required of an explorer to totally destroy his enemy. 

The same planetary configurations that occurred 500 years ago are similar to the ones happening right at the beginning of this new year. One might look to the past and believe it will replicate catastrophically. But unlike repeatable things such as electricity and flying planes, the future is largely unwritten and undetermined. Moctezuma relied so heavily on the stars that he became enslaved to them. The heavens were no match for the guns and germs of Cortes. Nevertheless the planets incline even if they don’t compel, so it is said. So what is the message that led the Aztecs to crumble but from which we may reasonably learn? Two words—GET REAL.

Aries: March 21 - April 19 

Your social life will light up in 2020. However, this will take some juggling with your career. I generally recommend keeping a healthy distance between work and friends as technology demands much interconnection that leads to the privileging of career. However in your case, the co-mingling is to your benefit. You also have a powerful chance to act on your non-movable finances such as retirement funds.  

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

You have a great career year this year. However, I would not recommend doing a ton of travel. You have good fortune enjoying yourself at home and in your local community. A relationship or partnership gets very intense, but through this you transform and make progress.

Gemini: May 21- June 20

You make great strides financially as long as you protect your own money. You may experience losses, though, through joint finances or investments. You can handle this as long as you stay flexible. You’ll look back and realize those hard changes happened for the better. 

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Continuing on from last year, you make gains personally, especially on a physical level. By mid-year the focus turns to your spirituality. What are the things you need to let go of in your life? When you let them go, you become free. 

Leo: July 23 - August 22

You’ll be happy to hear that by betting on yourself, you have good fortune this year. However, when the times are good, it is recommended you steer a more conservative course, especially in the area of health. Having daily discipline will help you acquire long term abundance. You’re also going to need this mindset for the career surprises that are in store for you. 

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Your creative endeavors are emphasized this year. Adopting a long term, conservative approach helps you field the massive changes that occur in how you express yourself. Hard, destructive change helps creativity even if it is difficult. On a lighter note, your health is good this year even if you do have a bit of a sweet tooth. 

Libra: September 23 - October 22

As you are the sign of balance and relationships, the Goddess Juno asks that you adjust your partnerships with coworkers and set appropriate boundaries. These are demagogues who are deceptive. One coworker in particular is swaying the emotions of the team and you’re going to need to protect yourself. Think about your own long term security as a guiding principle. 

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21 

You are extraordinarily powerful this year. You may even be intoxicated with your potency. However, this may lead to fights with coworkers. This is a chance to look at the pain points that are holding the team back. When those battles ensue, step back and look at the underlying causes of what is causing the friction. Then, use those insights to go for the impossible. 

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

You experience some losses financially this year, but you’re able to handle this as long as you approach your immediate, movable finances with the year ahead in mind. You actually triumph by the end of the year. A structured, nimble, conservative approach here is good. On the flip side, your investments do well through the first half of the year. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

You have a good year financially and succeed in a relationship. However, even with this good fortune, your thinking may be a bit unfocused and this could lead to some misfortune. As I wrote in the opening paragraphs, the theme of the year is GET REAL. This specifically applies to you, but some of this absentminded, dreamy thinking will give you great insights into the true nature of reality. 

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

This year you are the lover. This is wonderful as you are one of the most heady, intellectual, scientific signs of the zodiac. You’ll be surprised that you experience love and romance on the home front. The irony is that even though you are one of the most surprising, freedom-loving signs of the zodiac, you have trouble accepting disruption when you can’t control it. 

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

You’re due for some changes in your social networks this year. The strong bonds will hold and the fair weather friends will crumble away. Don’t fight this as it’s necessarily to have those around you who can help support your goals and wishes. You really make gains in romance, however, regardless of what happens with your friends. 

This article relies in part by an essay written by Bruce Scofield in the summer 2019 magazine Mountain Astrologer. This article was originally published in Ambush Magazine and has been edited for formatting and convenience.

Tis the Season of Turning Points

Original https://tinyurl.com/wtzm6sf wishingmoon.com This article was originally published in Ambush Magazine.

As you’re reading this column your mind will be occupied by the goings on of the season. Religious rites coloring different times of the year find their footing in the seasons. For example the hopeful moment of the birth of Christ on the darkest day of the year finds expression in the cardinal turn of the winter solstice. Cardinal, turning points are the screws upon which the world and our lives spin. The Greek word tropos means turn and is the origin of the word tropical. Maybe you just need to get the hell out of town and go on a vacation! Western Astrology based on the tropical zodiac, the zodiac embodying the turning of the seasons, has something to say about this season and you might want to stick around. I believe the gift of this year is the gift of family. Regardless how far one wanders family ancestry is never far behind. Your deep emotional connection to past origins emerges and when you explore this terrain, you make gains. Family interactions bring up issues of identity because how you’re known to the world and how your aunt knows you are two very different things. You are likely to have more of a vested interest in the former. The trick is not to be stubborn about this. It is actually an opportune moment as tropos is also the root of the word opportune meaning this is where you can take bold action and triumph when the gift of family presents itself. This is not a material, conspicuous gift but a gift that gives personal gratification namely in the form of love and nurturance from irritating family members. Do not drink too much as you’ll find moderate sobriety provides the healing you’ve been seeking. When you’re given the chance to let go of your idealized self for the person your family knows you by, realize this is a gift in disguise even if it leads you straight into your grandmother pulling at your ear, gushing over just how much you’ve grown.   

Aries: March 21 - April 19 

More than any sign this season, you make gains with your family, especially your father or paternal-like energy. This is helpful for you but you have to let some past incidents go. You’ll find that by balancing some of the tension with family, the other sectors of your life light up.  

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Your family gets entangled with your romantic life and children. This is going to take a little bit of juggling as it’s ironically hard to find love amongst family drama and the needs of your kids. The “kids” can also be your creative projects or creative babies. Communication is key here and this is where you make gains. Protecting yourself regardless of the outcome and emphasizing your thoughts as opposed to deeply held beliefs.

Gemini: May 21- June 20

Don’t be afraid to look into the family finances this holiday season. Proceed with caution and diplomacy, but there are massive changes occurring in the structures of the wills being written. You’ll find that dealing with the demons of inheritances and family trusts provides you will some long term psychic relief while ultimately padding your own checkbook. 

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Siblings come to the fore for you this holiday season. You also make gains in relationships and friends, but you lose some partners along the way. This is surprising but choosing the company you keep allows you to progress personally.  

Leo: July 23 - August 22

You’re feeling a bit snooty about your money. This is related to your mother and her past sacrifices she made to get you where you are. However, the psychological challenge is to let this attitude go and receive the gift you’ve been given. Money is only as good as the current along which you spend it. Spend it wisely and don’t worry about its literal worth. 

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Out of all the signs, you yourself are most deeply connected with your family this season. This is very feminine, maternal, changeable energy that is related to your past. There are great gains to be made here amongst friends and family but only if you juggle these intense feelings and realize they are part of the larger picture as you move into the future. Let go of your criticisms and pretensions. 

Libra: September 23 - October 22

The male head of the family is strong this holiday season, and you do best to go with him. A rich, dark son will seek to overthrow him, and might succeed in doing so, but stick with the elder. He will need your help even though he might not realize it. Help this modern King Lear pick the right child this time around. 

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21  

You’re generally in a very powerful position through the end of the year into 2020 and then again in spring. Be careful though not to get in fights with coworkers or siblings during those respective times. You do best when you apply power judiciously. If you don’t, you end up scorching the path for all those around. 

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

You’re feeling very proud of your career, and so is your mother. However you believe in yourself so strongly that you don’t see the bigger picture of your finances. Glory is great, but cash is king. Make sure your thinking is clear about the realities of the money related to your work life or you might be headed for a wrong turn that grounds you out. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

For the next year, you’ll be juggling a lot of things as you bounce from one area of your life to the next, but this season, focus on the love that your family can give. This really provides something spiritually for you, and you might all even decide to take a trip together. If not, at least connect philosophy about what y’all believe and get to the core of who you really are as a family. 

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

It’s critical that you take your time during this holiday season. We can’t escape the time in which we inhabit in this dimension, and as Aquarius your head is usually in the future. Your father or paternal energy is reemphasized this season, and you do best to ground yourself out a bit, coming down to earth and putting your futuristic visions on hold. You’ll be surprised what happens when you get your head out of the clouds. 

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

This holiday season, you are able to make gains creatively, romantically, and with children. With friends, not so much. With things going so well, your partner feels a bit cocky. You do best not to get emotionally tied up with that feeling and let things going spiritually. When you let things go, magic happens.  

Astrology was originally understood as omens, prophecies, and oracles. Whenever you go to a psychic, tarot reader, or astrologer like me, you’re engaging with the possibilities of the future. But modern astrology is also the alignment of the heavens at your moment of birth that serves as the signature of your personality. This combination of your star chart and sun sign—Aries, Taurus, etc.—and the usage of that tool to divine the future is here for your taking. Astrology offers the LGBTQ community a chance to reclaim a space lost to modern science and religion. Ancient pagan cultures venerated divination and celebrated what we now recognize as modern gay elements. These horoscopes are for your entertainment, so let’s start the party that will take us to the stars!