CBS Philly

Numerology of 222 at 4:45 PM 2/22/22 Eastern Time on CBS Philly

Originally from this blog re: my appearance on CBS Philly: It’s been kind of a strange 24 hours for me, and one of the components of that is getting a call from CBS Philly to talk about the numerology of 222. It was my Pop-Pop’s favorite number, and it will be airing at 4:45 Eastern Time because of course, today is 02/02/2022. I will include a link later for those who miss this. Thanks!

Update: The video of the original airing is above. Just click it, but click here for the link as well.

…also, getting called up by CBS Philly to talk about 222 got me thinking about duality and binaries, which I think is what 222 is ultimately about. It’s about choices, going one way or another, but also reconciling opposites or simply accepting paradoxes. The Roman god Janus always comes to mind (see image below) when I think of dualities. Janus was the god of transitions and gateways, beginnings and endings, among other things. In other words, even though Janus has two heads and symbolizes duality, he is singular. Think of leaving a home after you’ve visited a friend, and you have one foot out the door, and one foot still in the house. It’s at once both an ending and beginning. According to Robert Sapolsky, binaries are a natural way of thinking due to how we have evolved. But this is not necessarily helpful as shades of gray are sometimes preferable to black and white. So the next time you see 222, take some time to consider which way you want to go, or better yet, go both ways at once.

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Image from © SCALA/Art Resource, New York