Sting of the Tail

Alert! Sting of the Tail

Image by Taryn Elliot

Image by Taryn Elliot

There’s a phenomenon in astrology called “Sting of the Tail”. For those who want to simply know how this applies to them, think back to what was happening around the last new Moon, which occurred in the early morning of Saturday, March 13th, 2021 in the States, late morning in Britain, and later in the day as one continues eastward. Now think back to what occurred in the intervening days, ending Monday March 15, 2021, late morning/early afternoon in the States, the evening in Britain, and into the next day as you move farther east. Whatever was beginning to emerge around this time, whatever was good and useful to you, will be reviewed from Friday, April 9, 2021 morning/early afternoon in the States, the evening in Britain, and into the wee hours for points farther east through the the evening of Sunday, April 11, 2021 in the States, into the wee hours in Britain, and into the day as time is “further along” eastward. Whatever must go in order to take that which is good forward must fall by the wayside. This is a particularly intense phase of the Moon, and with all your activities it is best to cultivate a mindset of detachment that gives mature, sober insights as to what is truly necessary in the here and now. Let go of everything else as it relates, again, to what was happening around that initial new Moon and the couple days after. An easy way to do this is to check your calendar, emails, and text messages or simply allow the first thoughts that pop in your mind around these dates to guide you. To explore these themes in the space of a full astrology reading, click here to book your appointment.

For those more astrologically curious, the Sting of the Tail is a phase of the Moon that is rarely talked about. After every new Moon, the Moon initially waxes over the section of the zodiac that the Sun will eventually cover in the whole of the monthly lunar cycle. This is simply because the Moon moves through the zodiac much more quickly than the Sun, taking a little over two days to go through each sign whereas the Sun takes about a month to move through a zodiac sign. Thus the Sun moves through the area that the Moon already covered in the initial stages of her waxing phase. However, the Moon, in the last days of her waning, must go back over that territory. Remember that the initial waxing phase of the Moon is when things are just beginning to emerge, and the last waning days of the Moon are about endings and letting things go. Therefore, whatever was emerging into being must be protected in order to survive by letting go of the material around the initial phase that is detrimental.

To give an example, this last new Moon was at 23 degrees Pisces. This next new Moon will be at 22 degrees Aries. Last month, the Moon moved through the section of the zodiac that was 23 degrees Pisces to 22 degrees Aries just as she began waxing. It’s taken the Sun almost a month to cover that territory, and just before the new Moon at 22 degrees Aries, the Moon will have to “go back over” the territory of the zodiac she initially waxed through. So in one of her phases she waxes, or grows, and in the other, she ebbs, or recedes. As I said before, the a good way to approach this phenomena is to look back to the initial waxing phase and look to the waning Sting of the Tail phase, see what was working and what wasn’t, and proceed with calm caution. Then the sting won’t be felt so harshly!

Click here to make a wish on the new Moon after you’ve done the work of cleaning things out during the Sting of the Tail and support the continued publishing of these articles.

Thanks to Terry MacKinnel for introducing me to Sting of the Tail.

Astrology Is Not A Magic Show: Season 2, Episode 6

Star Love Podcast Host Daniel Beck | Guest Maren Altman

On this episode of the Star Love Podcast, we welcome astrologer, author, and philosophy graduate student, Maren Altman. I learned about Maren through a friend who found one of Maren’s videos on TikTok, and I must say, I was surprised to see high quality astrology coming through that media platform! Maren is doing some innovative and practical things in astrology education, keeps her growing audience informed with the latest trends in political astrology, and most deliciously, whips up great recipes as the Cosmic Chef.

Time Stamps for Time Keepers


4:20-Maren’s Approach to Astrology

19:04-Maren’s Philosophy Background 

27:44-Bringing Psychology Into Astrology

29:57-Maren’s Acting Background 


34:47-Meaning of Maren’s name 

36:05-Mundane and Political Astrology

40:45-Fate and free will

44:06-Maren’s Writing 

48:22-Astrology Transits of 2020-2022

58:34-Maren’s Culinary Arts


Maren’s Books

Maren’s Book Picks

Dan’s Book Pick

Crime and Punishment is a classic with a dire warning: if you transgress with a new idea or word via delusions of greatness, and it be unformed and spun by the machinations of a paranoid mind, the crime becomes not the idea but rather the abandonment of spirit that can give liberation beyond the words.


Link To Maren’s Website

Further Resources

To explore the idea of “wrong charts”, that is astrology charts that are not accurate birth times that still provide meaningful, exacting insights, purchase Maggie Hyde’s book, Jung and Astrology. Or go to this link to read an essay by Geoffrey Cornelius that references how “wrong charts” work in the context of astrology as divination. This is a good counterargument to one of the most forceful skeptical arguments by Geoffrey Dean.

To explore how to reconcile using whole sign houses and some form of quadrant houses, go to this link and read an essay by Charles Obert about using both systems at once. I find that this method helps live chart interpretation flow during readings. Take for example, if somebody has Venus in Aries in the 7th house, but Aries is the 8th whole sign, an interpretation might be “there is an aggressive drive towards finding harmony in relationships that can result in fights about joint resources.” At this point I might reference the tarot card the 4 of wands which is the tarot equivalent of Venus in Aries (designated by the Golden Dawn) and suggests a need to construct harmony to harness that aggression. For a long while I’ve been using the deck the Tarot of Dreams, available for purchase below, that includes that astrological significations on each of the cards.

Tarot of Dreams
By Ciro Marchetti, Lee Bursten
Buy on Amazon

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